1. Operation
(1) Administrator: Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
(2) YouTube Account: rietichannel
(3) URL: http://www.youtube.com/user/rietichannel
(4) Contents: The major purpose of the page is to introduce widely RIETI's research activities by offering videos of events compiled by RIETI. In principle, we only offer videos and do not allow comments regarding videos on the page.
(5) Notes: The RIETI YouTube page may be closed or deleted without notice.
2. Responses to Comments and Inquiries
For inquiries and comments about RIETI, please use the form below.
3. Disclaimer
RIETI shall not assume responsibility for damage caused by using the RIETI YouTube page or for damage sustained by third parties caused by users of the page.
RIETI is not able to answer queries about the operational status of YouTube. RIETI is also not able to answer questions concerning usage methods and technologies of the YouTube website.
RIETI may change this YouTube policy without notice.