- Time and Date: 13:30 - 17:20, Friday, March 22, 2019 (Registration starts at 13:00)
- Venue: Toranomon Hills Forum (Toranomon Hills Mori Tower 5th Floor, 1-23-3 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
- Hosts: Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) / Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
Welcoming Remarks
NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI)
Prior to his current position, Atsushi Nakajima served as Senior Managing Executive Officer & Chief Economist, Mizuho Research Institute, Ltd. (2004-2011); Executive Officer, Chief Economist & General Manager of Research Division, Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. & Executive Officer, Chief Economist of Mizuho Research Institute, Ltd. (2003-2004); Chief Economist of Mizuho Research Institute, Ltd. & Chief Economist & General Manager of Research Division, Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. (2002-2003); Chief Economist & General Manager, Research Department, Head Office, the Industrial Bank of Japan Ltd.(IBJ); President, Banque IBJ (France) S.A.; Senior Deputy General Manager, Industrial Research Department, Head Office, IBJ; Senior Manager, International Finance Department, Head Office, IBJ.
Mr. Nakajima graduated from the University of Tokyo with a B.A. in Faculty of Law.
Presentation 1: Deflating the De-Globalization Narrative
Richard BALDWIN (Professor of International Economics, Graduate Institute, Geneva)
Richard Baldwin is a Professor of International Economics at the Graduate Institute in Geneva since 1991 and Editor-in-Chief of since he founded it in 2007. Previously, he was President of CEPR in (2104-2018), a part-time Visiting Research Professor at the University of Oxford (2012-2015), Visiting Professor at the MIT Economics Department (Fall 2002-2003), and Associate Professor at Columbia Business School (1989-1991). He has served as a Managing Editor of Economic Policy (2000-2005). Before moving to Switzerland in 1991, he was a Senior Staff Economist for the President's Council of Economic Advisors in the Bush White House (1990-1991) following trade matters such as the Uruguay Round and NAFTA negotiations as well as numerous US-Japan trade conflicts. He has been an adviser and consultant to many international organizations and governments. He did his Ph.D. in Economics at MIT with Paul Krugman and has published a half dozen articles with him. Before that he earned an M.Sc. At LSE (1980-81), and a B.A. at UW-Madison (1976-1980). His most recent book is The Globotics Upheaval: Globalization, Robotics and the Future of Work.
Presentation 2: Why 'the Easiest Trade Agreement in History' Proved So Difficult
L. Alan WINTERS (Research Fellow, CEPR / Professor of Economics, University of Sussex)
L. Alan Winters is Professor of Economics at the University of Sussex and Founder and Director of the UK Trade Policy Observatory. He is a CEPR Research Fellow and has served as Co-Director of the Centre's International Trade Programme. He has also been Chief Economist at the UK Department for International Development (2008-11), Director of the Development Research Group (2004-7), Division Chief and Research Manager for International Trade (1994-9), and Economist (1983-5) at the World Bank. He has been Editor of the World Bank Economic Review and Associate Editor of the Economic Journal and is currently editor of The World Trade Review. He has advised, inter alia, the OECD, DfID, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the European Commission, the European Parliament, UNCTAD, the WTO, and the Inter-American Development Bank.
Presentation 3: A New Era of World Trade: The role of robots
Dalia MARIN (Research Fellow, CEPR / Chair in International Economics, University of Munich)
Dalia Marin holds the Chair in International Economics at the University of Munich and joined Bruegel as a Research Fellow in October 2007. Her research interests are in the area of international economics, corporate finance and the organisation of the firm, and emerging market economies. She is also Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and Member of the International Trade and Organization Working Group of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) in Cambridge. She has been Team Leader at the Russian European Center for Economic Policy in Moscow and has acted as a Consultant for international organisations such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the International Monetary Fund.
Panel Discussion
Panelists (in alphabetical order)
Richard BALDWIN (Professor of International Economics, Graduate Institute, Geneva)
KAZEKI Jun (Deputy Director-General, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, METI)
Jun Kazeki has twenty-nine years of experience in the field of trade and economic policies. He joined the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of the Japanese Government in 1990. Most recently, he was the director for Manufacturing Industries Bureau. He was in charge of manufacturing industries, including automobile, aircraft, aerospace, machine tools, steel, and chemical. He also engaged in foreign workers’ new qualification system as Japanese manufacturing industries are facing a severe labor shortage. Currently, he engages in “Growth Strategy / Future Investment Strategy 2018” in order to achieve innovation-driven Society 5.0. In the past, he took important posts, including director for Natural Resources and Fuel Department, Security Export Control Policy Division and Multilateral Trade System department. He also took several international posts including Senior Trade Policy Analyst for the OECD secretariat in Paris, Counsellor for Permanent Mission of Japan to the international organizations (e.g. WTO) in Geneva. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Tokyo in 1990. He earned a master’s degree from Columbia University Law School (LLM ’95) and was admitted to the New York State Bar. He earned another degree at the School of Law of New York University (LLM Trade Regulation ’96), focusing on anti-trust and economic policy.
Dalia MARIN (Research Fellow, CEPR / Chair in International Economics, University of Munich)
TANABE Yasuo (Special Representative for External Relations, Hitachi, Ltd.)
Yasuo Tanabe is Special Representative for External Relations, Hitachi, Ltd. Before joining Hitachi, Ltd. in June 2010, he has served for the Japanese government for thirty-two years. Starting with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 1978, which reorganized as the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry, he has covered wide range of policies such as trade, energy and environment. He has represented the Japanese government for many international organizations such as the International Energy Agency. He was Vice President of the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry from 2004 to 2006. During his tenure as Deputy Director-General for Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he had been Chief Negotiator / Deputy Chief Negotiator for many Economic Partnership Agreements with ASEAN countries, Switzerland and Peru. He has written a book "Asia Energy Partnership" and articles on energy and trade issues. He has Law from the University of Tokyo (1978) and M.A. in International Relations from Stanford University (1985).
TOMIURA Eiichi (Faculty Fellow and Program Director, RIETI / Professor, Faculty of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
Eiichi Tomiura has been Professor of Faculty of Economics at Hitotsubashi University since 2015. He was formerly Dean, College of Economics, Yokohama National University and Professor, Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University. He was also served for Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Government of Japan, till 2000. He received his B.A. in Economics from the University of Tokyo in 1984 and Ph.D. in Economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1992. He was awarded the 58th Nikkei Prize for Excellent Books in Economic Science from Nikkei Newspaper, the 55th Economist Award from Mainichi Newspaper, and the 11th Kojima Kiyoshi Prize from the Japan Society of International Economics. He published Cross-border Outsourcing and Boundaries of Japanese Firms from Springer in 2018.
L. Alan WINTERS (Research Fellow, CEPR / Professor of Economics, University of Sussex)
NAKAJIMA Atsushi (Chairman, RIETI)