
Japanese Version of Concerted Cultivation Associated with Adaptation to Lower Secondary Education

執筆者 松岡 亮二 (早稲田大学)
発行日/NO. 2017年3月  17-E-041
研究プロジェクト 医療・教育の質の計測とその決定要因に関する分析


Annette Lareauはアメリカの中流家庭における子育て実践――課外活動の積極的な利用などによる意図的な子の時間の統制――を観察し、その特徴的な子育てロジックを“concerted cultivation”(意図的育成)と称した。本研究は、厚生労働省による21世紀出生児縦断調査の個票データを用い、アメリカとは異なる日本の教育制度の特徴を考慮した上で、日本版意図的育成の特徴と帰結を明らかにする。




Observing child-rearing strategies practiced by elementary school children's middle-class parents in the United States, Annette Lareau coined the term "concerted cultivation," describing the middle-class distinctive parenting pattern. These parents intentionally structure their children's daily lives, for example, by enrolling them in extracurricular activities to develop their cognitive and non-cognitive skills. Concerted cultivation was also observed in Japan, while previous studies have suggested some dissimilarities between the United States and Japan regarding middle-class parenting styles, possibly derived from the two nations' different features of educational systems. Therefore, I investigate whether concerted cultivation practiced by Japanese middle-class parents has distinctive characteristics using nationally representative longitudinal data on children in Japan, while considering the Japanese education system's important features different from those in the United States (i.e., standardization level and educational selection's timing). I also explore whether different levels of cumulative experiences acquired through Japanese concerted cultivation assist in differentiating children's adaptation to lower secondary education. This study's findings demonstrate how college-educated parents transmit their advantages to their children through a distinctive pattern of concerted cultivation developed in response to Japan's standardized education system with its high-stakes educational selection in secondary education.

Published: Matsuoka, Ryoji, 2019. "Concerted cultivation developed in a standardized education system," Social Science Research, Vol. 77, pp. 161-178