
What Types of Science and Technology Policies Stimulate Innovation? Evidence from Chinese firm-level data

執筆者 伊藤 亜聖  (東京大学) /李 卓然  (東京大学) /王 敏  (電子科技大学)
発行日/NO. 2014年9月  14-E-056
研究プロジェクト グローバルな市場環境と産業成長に関する研究




Since the Chinese government's rapid increase in expenditure on science and technology (S&T) during the 2000s, numerous related policies have been implemented by national-, provincial-, city-, and prefecture-level governments in China. Each level of government aims to promote innovation activities; however, few empirical evaluations have been conducted on each policy level and category. This paper estimates the treatment effects of innovation policies at each government level and category by using firm-level survey data from the inland city of Chengdu. Results suggest that S&T policies stimulate effective firm-level innovation activities; in particular, city-level policies and various government services. On the other hand, some policy categories, including tax incentives, seem to be inefficient. Restructuring the current policy menu and establishing further feedback mechanisms for S&T policy will improve the efficacy of such spending.