Economic History, History of Economic Policy, History of Industry, Business History
Research Projects
- The Policy-Making Process of the Industrial Competitiveness Policies in Japan (October 3, 2022 - March 31, 2025)
2011 Ph.D. in Economics, Kyoto University
1991-1994 Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, Hokkaido University
1991 M.A. in Economics, Hokkaido University
1989 B.A. in Economics, Hokkaido University
2012- Professor, Graduate School of Economics & Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University (current position)
2004-2012 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University
2011 Visiting Scholar, Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University
2002-2004 Associate Professor, Faculty of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Communications
1998-2002 Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shizuoka University
1997-1998 Research Associate, Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo
1994-1997 Research Associate, Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics, Hokkaido University
Selected Publications and Papers
- Sangyo Hatten, Suitai no Keizaishi [History of Industrial Development and Declining: Japanese cotton textile companies and their adjustment process] Tokyo :Yuhikaku, 2010 [in Japanese]
- "Le financement de l’industrie textile japonaise et de ses adaptations de 1945 à la crise," [Corporate Finance of the Japanese Textile Industry and the adaptations from 1945 to the crisis era (1970s) ] in Financing of the Enterprises Faced to the Economic Change in 20th Century. Laure Quennouëlle-Corre et André Straus(dir.). Paris: The Committee for the Economic History and Finance in France, 2009. [in French]
Working Papers
- "The Industrial Revitalization Policy in the 2000s," (with Haruhito Takeda) RIETI Discussion Paper Series 21-J-030, 2021 [in Japanese]
- "MITI (METI)’s Policies for Industrial Adjustment in Postwar Japan, " RIETI Discussion Paper Series 16-J-033, 2016 [in Japanese]
- "Coordination between Government and Business in Prewar and Postwar Japan: The Case of the Textile Industry," Korea Business History Institute, KBHI Working Papers No. 2013-2. March 2013
- "International Trade Rules and Industrial Adjustment the Case of the Textile Industry," Kyoto University Working Paper, No. 92, February 2008.
Papers Published in Refereed Journals
- "L’Américanisation de pouvoir commercial: le cas de l’industire textile," [Americanization of Trade Rule : the Case of the Japanese Textile Industry] in numéro spécial de la revue, HISTORIOGRAPHIES JAPONAISES ET SUD-CORENNES, Histoire, Economie et Société, 2, Éditions SEDES. Paris: France, 2006 [in French]
- "Restructuring in textile manufacturing companies," Business History Society of Japan, Japanese Research in Business History, No.22, March 2006