Faculty Fellow

Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University

Activities at RIETI


Economic History, History of Economic Policy, History of Industry, Business History

Research Projects


2011 Ph.D. in Economics, Kyoto University
1991-1994 Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, Hokkaido University
1991 M.A. in Economics, Hokkaido University
1989 B.A. in Economics, Hokkaido University


2012- Professor, Graduate School of Economics & Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University (current position)
2004-2012 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University
2011 Visiting Scholar, Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University
2002-2004 Associate Professor, Faculty of Electro-Communications, The University of Electro-Communications
1998-2002 Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shizuoka University
1997-1998 Research Associate, Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo
1994-1997 Research Associate, Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics, Hokkaido University

Selected Publications and Papers


  • Sangyo Hatten, Suitai no Keizaishi [History of Industrial Development and Declining: Japanese cotton textile companies and their adjustment process] Tokyo :Yuhikaku, 2010 [in Japanese]
  • "Le financement de l’industrie textile japonaise et de ses adaptations de 1945 à la crise," [Corporate Finance of the Japanese Textile Industry and the adaptations from 1945 to the crisis era (1970s) ] in Financing of the Enterprises Faced to the Economic Change in 20th Century. Laure Quennouëlle-Corre et André Straus(dir.). Paris: The Committee for the Economic History and Finance in France, 2009. [in French]

Working Papers

  • "The Industrial Revitalization Policy in the 2000s," (with Haruhito Takeda) RIETI Discussion Paper Series 21-J-030, 2021 [in Japanese]
  • "MITI (METI)’s Policies for Industrial Adjustment in Postwar Japan, " RIETI Discussion Paper Series 16-J-033, 2016 [in Japanese]
  • "Coordination between Government and Business in Prewar and Postwar Japan: The Case of the Textile Industry," Korea Business History Institute, KBHI Working Papers No. 2013-2. March 2013
  • "International Trade Rules and Industrial Adjustment the Case of the Textile Industry," Kyoto University Working Paper, No. 92, February 2008.

Papers Published in Refereed Journals

  • "L’Américanisation de pouvoir commercial: le cas de l’industire textile," [Americanization of Trade Rule : the Case of the Japanese Textile Industry] in numéro spécial de la revue, HISTORIOGRAPHIES JAPONAISES ET SUD-CORENNES, Histoire, Economie et Société, 2, Éditions SEDES. Paris: France, 2006 [in French]
  • "Restructuring in textile manufacturing companies," Business History Society of Japan, Japanese Research in Business History, No.22, March 2006