TANAKA Ryuichi

TANAKA Ryuichi

TANAKA Ryuichi

Faculty Fellow

Professor of Economics, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo

Activities at RIETI


Labor Economics, Economics of Education

Research Projects


2004.5 Ph.D., Economics, New York University, Doctoral Dissertation: Essays on Education, Growth and Income Distribution (Advisor: Professor Debraj Ray, New York University)
1998.3 M.A., Economics, University of Tokyo, Master Thesis: “Learning-by-doing and Technology Upgradings with Information Spillover” (Advisor: Professor Shin-ichi Fukuda, University of Tokyo)
1996.3 B.A., Economics, University of Tokyo


2017/04 - present: Professor, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
2015/04 - 2017/03: Associate Professor, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
2011/04 - 2015/03: Associate Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
2006/04 - 2011/03: Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2004/10 - 2006/03: Assistant Professor, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University
2004/06 - 2004/09: 21st Century COE Researcher, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University

Selected Publications and Papers

Papers Published in Refereed Journals

  • "Do Teachers' College Majors Affect Students' Academic Achievement in the Sciences? A Cross Subfields Analysis with Student-Teacher Fixed Effects" (with Atsushi Inoue), Education Economics (forthcoming). Also available as RIETI Discussion Paper 22-E-004, February 2022, and IZA Discussion Paper No. 15101, February 2022.
  • "Do Class Size Reductions Protect Students from Infectious Disease? Lessons for Covid-19 Policy from Flu Epidemic in Tokyo Metropolitan Area" (with Masato Oikawa, Shun-ichiro Bessho, and Haruko Noguchi), American Journal of Health Economics, vol. 8(4), pages 449-479 (2022). Also available as IZA Discussion Papers No. 13432, July 2020.
  • "Fiscal Policy Changes and Labor Market Dynamics in Japan's Lost Decade" (with Julen Esteban-Pretel and Xiangcai Meng), Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 26(7), pages 1691-1730, October (2022).
  • "Gender Norms and Women's Decision to Work: Evidence from Japan" (with Nuria Rodriguez-Planas), Review of Economics of the Household, vol. 20(1), pages 15-36, March (2022).
  • "Monitoring Health Service Delivery: Evidence from Civil Conflict in Nepal" (with Nirmal Kumal Raut), World Development, 146, 105543 (2021).
  • "The Effect of School Operational Assistance Program on Investment in Education by Household: Evidence from Indonesia" (with Nia Pramita Sari), Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 65, 2, 149-168 (2019).
  • "Evaluating Remedial Education in Elementary Schools: Administrative Data from a Municipality in Japan" (with Shun-ichiro Bessho, Akira Kawamura, Haruko Noguchi, and Koichi Ushijima), Japan and the World Economy, 50, 36-46 (2019). Also in the special issue Economics of Education in Japan edited by Shin-ichi Fukuda and Ryuichi Tanaka.
  • "Do Teaching Practices Matter for Students' Academic Achievement? A Case of Linguistic Activity" (with Kazumi Ishizaki), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 50, 26-36 (2018).
  • "Parental Absence, Remittances, and Educational Investment of Children Left Behind: Evidence from Nepal," (with Nirmal Kumal Raut), Review of Development Economics, 22, 4, 1642-1666 (2018).
  • "Immigration, Assimilation. and the Future of Public Education" (with Lidia Farre and Francesc Ortega), European Journal of Political Economy, 52, 141-165 (2018).
  • "Immigration and the Public-Private School Choice" (with Lidia Farre and Francesc Ortega), Labour Economics, 51, 184-201 (2018).
  • "Changes in Japan's Labor Market during the Lost Decade and the Role of Demographics" (with Julen Esteban-Pretel and Xiangcai Meng), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 43, 19-37 (2017).
  • "Estimating the Effects of Pronatal Policies on Residential Choice and Fertility" (with Ryo Nakajima), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 34, 179-200 (2014).
  • "On the Role of Job Assignment in a Comparison of Education Systems" (with Katsuya Takii), Canadian Journal of Economics, 46, 1, 180-207 (2013).
  • "Taxation Categories for Long-term Care Insurance Premiums and Mortality among Japanese Elderly: A Cohort Study" (with Yoshihisa Fujino, Tatsuhiko Kubo, and Shinya Matsuda), Journal of Epidemiology, 23, 1, 41-46 (2013).
  • "Testing the Incentive Effects in Tournaments with a Superstar" (with Kazutoshi Ishino), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 26, 3, 393-404 (2012).
  • "Are Contingent Jobs Dead Ends or Stepping Stones to Regular Jobs? Evidence from a Structural Estimation" (with Julen Esteban-Pretel and Ryo Nakajima), Labour Economics, 18, 4, 513-526 (2011).
  • "TFP Growth Slowdown and the Japanese Labor Market in the 1990s" (with Julen Esteban-Pretel and Ryo Nakajima), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 24, 1, 50-68 (2010).
  • "Does the Diversity of Human Capital Increase GDP?: A Comparison of Education Systems" (with Katsuya Takii), Journal of Public Economics, 93, 7-8, 998-1007 (2009).
  • "Inequality and Education Decisions in Developing Countries" (with Catalina Gutierrez), Journal of Economic Inequality, 7, 1, 55-81 (2009).
  • "The Gender-Asymmetric Effect of Working Mothers on Children's Education: Evidence from Japan" Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 22, 4, 586-604 (2008).
  • "Timing of Trade Liberalization" Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 16, 4, 447-473 (2007).
  • "Inequality as a Determinant of Child Labor" Economics Letters, 80, 93-97 (2003).