ONO Goro

The below information is as of September 30, 2012. It may differ from the current information.

ONO Goro

ONO Goro

Senior Fellow (until September 30, 2012)

Professor Emeritus, Saitama University


Industrial policy, Economic policy, Policy formation/planning, Industrial structure, New economic theory/Entropy econometrics, Global environment/Sustainable society, Circulation theory, Concept of values, Monetary theory, System engineering/Holonic engineering, Public economics, Welfare economics, Tax theory, Foreign laborforce/Immigration, Small and medium-sized enterprises, Business models, Intellectual property rights, National principle, Development economics/Economic development theory, Informatization, Regional economics, Economic cooperation, Subcontract/Parts production structure, Organizational theory, Exhibitions/Trade fairs, Economic thought/Religious theory, Climate/Japanese thought.


1966 Bachelor of Economics, the University of Tokyo


2006 - Member, Small and Medium Enterprise Policy Council
2000 - Opinion Writer, The English-Speaking Union of Japan(ESUJ)
1997 - 2006 Chairman, Saitama Local Social Insurance Medical Service Council
1992 - 2008 Professor, Faculty of Economics, Saitama University
1993 - 1993 Advisor, Russian Ministry of Economy
1989 - 1992 Professor, Faculty of Economics, Shinshu University
1987 - 1989 Senior Researcher, Department of Economic Corporation, Institute for Developing Economies
1984 - 1987 Director, General Department, Shikoku Local Bureau, MITI
1966 -2008 Joined Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)

Selected Publications and Papers

Holonikku Kougakuron: Dousureba Eizokukanouna Jinruishakai ga Kouchikudekiruka [Holon Type Engineering Vision : How can build a suitable human society], Tokyo: Fujishakaikhouiku Center, 2005.

Gendai Nihhon no Sangyouseiseaku [Modern Japanese Industrial Policy], Tokyo, Nihonkeizaishinbunsha, 1999.

CHINH SACH CONG NGHIEP CHO CONG CUOC DOI MOI MOT SO KINH NGHIEM CUA NHAT BAN, [Industrial Policy for Vietnamese Reform], Nha Xuat Ban Chinh Tri Quoc Gia, 1998.

Paradigm for Ecological Doctrine, Tokyo, Doubunkan, 1993 Jissenteki Sangyouseisakuron, [Pragmatic Industrial Policy], Tokyo, Tuushouseisakuchosakai, 1992

Papers Published in Refereed Journals
"Mutually Complementary Relationship Between Market and Government," International Journal Of Development Planning Literature, Vol.16, No.3&4, 2001.

"Industrial Policy of Japan: Views from Inside," APO Productivity Journal,Winter, 1995.

"Paradigma para una doctrina ecologica," El Socialismo del Futuro, 8, 1993.


"Whaling issue from the perspective of global environment conservation," Japan in Their Own Word 2000-2007, ESUJ