The below information is as of December 31, 2009. It may differ from the current information.



Faculty Fellow (until December 31, 2009)

Professor, Graduate School of Economics & Management, Tohoku University
Deputy Director, New Industry Creation Hatchery Center (NICHe), Tohoku University
Special Advisor to the President (for COI Management), Tohoku University

Research Projects


1980 Completed the Doctoral Course of the Graduate School of Social Sciences, Tsukuba University
1975 MA from the Graduate School of Literature, Tokyo University of Education
1973 Graduated from the Faculty of Humanity, Niigata University


1997-present Professor, Graduate School of Economics & Management, Tohoku University
2005- President, Tohoku Techno-Arch Co. Ltd. (TLO for Universities in Tohoku Region)
2004- Auditor, Aoba Techno Core Co. Ltd. (Incubator for Tohoku University)
2003- Auditor, Tohoku Innovation Capital Co. Ltd. (Venture Capital Firm for University Spin-off Ventures in Tohoku Region)
1999-2005 Director, Tohoku Techno-Arch Co. Ltd.
1993-1997 Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanity, Keiwa College
1991-1993 Director, Nomura/JAFCO Investment (Asia) Ltd. (VC Arm of JAFCO in ASEAN Region, Headquarter in Singapore)
1989-1993 General Manager, Corporate Planning Department, JAFCO
1982 Joined the Japan Associated Finance Co. Ltd., (Now JAFCO, Leading Venture Capital Firm in Japan)

Selected Publications and Papers

"Current Situation of Venture Finance for University Spin-off Companies in Japan," in D. Gibson, C. Stolp, P. Conceicao, and M. Heitor eds., Systems and Policies for the Global Learning Economy, Praeger, 2003

"From Tech-transfer to University Start-ups: How Japanese Universities are Responding to New Policy Change," in Ruth Taplin ed., Exploiting Patent Rights and a New Climate for Innovation in Japan, London, Intellectual Property Institute, 2003

"Japan's credit crunch and its consequences for Venture Finance," Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1999


"Bayh-Dole Award 2005" presented by AUTM for my contribution to proliferation of US style University Technology Transfer to in Japan and Asian countries.

Professional Membership and Activities
The Council Member of the Japan Academic Society for Ventures and Entrepreneur
The Japan Association for Small Business Studies, Society for the Economic Studies of Securities
Japan Society of Business Administration
Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM)
Editorial Board of Venture Capital: An international journal of entrepreneurial finance Chairman of the Special Task Committee for OTC Market (1997-98) by MITI
Member of Special Committee for IP by JPO
Chairman of International Relations, Japan Association for University Intellectual Property & Technology Management