NAWATA Kazumitsu

The below information is as of January 31, 2020. It may differ from the current information.

NAWATA Kazumitsu

NAWATA Kazumitsu

Faculty Fellow (until January 31, 2020)

Professor, Department of Technology Management for Innovations, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo

Activities at RIETI


Econometrics, Statistics, Health Economics, Labor Economics

Research Projects


1986 Ph.D., Department of Economics, Stanford University
1982 M.A., Department of Economics, Pennsylvania State University
1979 B. Eng., Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo


2016 Academic Visitor, Department of Economics & Related Studies, University of York
2000 - present Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
1999 Professor, Department of Advanced Social and International Studies, University of Tokyo
1989 Associate Professor, Department of Social and International Relations, University of Tokyo
1993 - 1994 Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, University of Western Australia
1986 - 1989 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Chicago

Selected Publications and Papers


  • Probability and Statistics I, University of Tokyo, Engineering Course, 2013.
  • "Population Growth and Sustainability -Requirements for Establishing a Sustainable Society-" in K. Mori ed., Society in 2050 -Choice for Global Sustainability-, 1999, 15-49, Maruzen Planet, Tokyo.

Papers Published in Refereed Journals (English papers, only)

  • "Semiparametric Estimation and Efficiency Bounds of Binary Choice Models When the Models Contain one Continuous Variable," Economics Letters, 1989, Vol. 31, 21-26.
  • "Robust Estimation Based on Grouped-Adjusted Data in Linear Regression Models," Journal of Econometrics, 1990, Vol. 43, 317-336.
  • "Robust Estimation Based on Grouped-Adjusted Data in Censored Regression Models," Journal of Econometrics, 1990, Vol. 43, 337-362.
  • "A Note on Estimation of Models with Sample Selection Biases," Economic Letters, 1993, Vol. 42, 15-24.
  • "Estimation of Sample Selection Bias Models by the Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Heckman's Two-Step Estimator," Economic Letters, 1994, Vol. 45, 33-40.
  • "Estimation of the Boundary of the Two Regions by the Grouping Estimator," Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, 1994, Vol. 24, 15-35.
  • "Notes on the Estimation of Tobit Models by Powell's Least Absolute Deviations Estimator," Economic Studies Quarterly, 1994, Vol. 45, 501-508.
  • "Estimation of Sample-Selection Models by the Maximum Likelihood Method," Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 1995, Vol. 39, 299-303.
  • "Estimation of Sample Selection Biases Models," Econometric Reviews, 1996, Vol. 15, 387-400.
  • "Size Characteristics of Tests for Sample Selection Bias: A Monte Carlo Comparison and Empirical Example," Econometric Reviews, 2001, 20, 105-112.
  • "Estimation of Labor Participation and Wage Equation Model of the Japanese Married Female," Journal of Japanese and International Economies, 2004, 18, 301-315.
  • "An Analysis of the Length of Stay and the Effectiveness of Treatment for Hip Fractured Patients in Japan: Evaluation of the Revision of the 2002 Medical Service Fee Schedule," Journal of Health Economics, 2006, 25, No.4, 722-739.
  • "A Monte Carlo Analysis of the Type II Tobit Maximum Likelihood Estimator When the True Model is the Type I Tobit Model," Economics Bulletin, 2007, 3, 1-10.
  • "Bayesian Estimation of the Asymmetric Employment Adjustment Model," Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, 2009, 39, 29-47.