Financial Regulatory Policy and Regulation, International Finance, Monetary Policy, Derivatives, Commodities, Energy
2009 Ph.D. Economics, Hitotsubashi University
1999 M.A. Economics, Hitotsubashi University
1997 B.A. Economics, Hosei University
2012 Lecturer, School of Commerce, Senshu University
2011 Consulting Fellow, the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, RIETI
2011 Lecturer, the Graduate School of Business Administration, Hosei University
2008 Deputy Director for Market Surveillance, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Policy Division and Commodity Derivatives Market Supervisory Office, METI
2006 Law-enforcement Specialist, Commodity Derivatives Division, METI
2005 Research Associate, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, RIETI
1999 Research Fellow, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Selected Publications and Papers
The Long-run Purchasing Power Parity for the Yen: a Further Investigation, in Preference and International Macroeconomics, Hosei University Press, Tokyo, 2012. (with Tomoyoshi Yabu)
Forward Discount Bias in Commodity Derivatives: Structural Breaks on the Average Risk Premium under Rational Expectation, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, 2009.
Papers Published in Refereed Journals
"Impact Mitigation for Emergency Events: their Effects on Day-Ahead and Real-Time Market Locational Based Marginal Pricing in the New York ISO," Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics Vol. 48, pp185-197.
"Energy Futures in NYMEX—Relation between the Expanded Forward Premium and the Risk Premium," [Sakimono Torihiki Kenkyuu] Vol. 10, No. 14, pp79-98.
"Market Efficiency Tests with Time-Varying Risk Premiums" [Sakimono Torihiki Kenkyuu] Vol. 10, No. 14, pp99-118.
Working Papers
"Forward Discount Bias: Is It a Crude Oil Risk Premium?," Discussion Paper, F166, the Research Center of Excellence program in the Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo, 2007,
"Impact Mitigation for Emergency Events: Their Effects on Day-ahead and Real-time Market Locational Based Marginal Pricing at the New York ISO," Discussion Paper, F53, the Research Center of Excellence program in the Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo, 2004,
2007 Award in the competition for the 39th Naito Akira Memorial Award for this paper: "Forward Discount Bias: Is It a Crude Oil Risk Premium?"
2005 Award in the competition for the United States Association for Energy Economics (USAEE) Student Best Paper Award for this paper: "Impact Mitigation for Emergency Events: Their Effects on Day-ahead and Real-time Market Locational Based Marginal Pricing at the New York ISO."
2004 Award in the competition held by Japan Commodity Futures Industry Association for this paper: "Market Efficiency Tests with Time-Varying Risk Premiums."
Contributions to International Regulatory Frameworks
Standing Committee on Commodity Futures Markets, the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
"Principles for Oil Price Reporting Agencies—Final Report,"
"Principles for the Regulation and Supervision of Commodity Derivatives Markets—Final Report,"
Other International Regulatory Frameworks
Signing on the supervisory co-operation agreements for alternative investment funds
Signing on the Terms of Reference for Cooperation and Collaboration with the Dubai Financial Services Authority of the Dubai International Financial Centre, 2012
Signing on the IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding concerning Consultation and Cooperation and the Exchange of Information (MMOU), 2011
Signing on the Statement of Intent on consultation, cooperation and the exchange of information with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), 2010
Signing on the General Memorandum for Enhanced Cooperation and Collaboration with the U.K. Financial Services Authority (FSA), 2009
Membership in Professional Societies
Japanese Economics Association