The below information is as of March 31, 2005. It may differ from the current information.



Fellow (until March 31, 2005)

Activities at RIETI


International comparison of budgeting, fiscal policy issues, and legislative infrastructure.
Policy-making and Politics in the U.S.


1992 MA in Political Science, Washington State University


2002 - present - Fellow, RIETI
1993 - 2002 Staff Member, U.S. Senate Budget Committee

Selected Publications and Papers

Civic Literacy, Kyoiku Shuppan, Tokyo, 2005

"Fiscal Issues and the Role of Public Awareness," Japan's Fiscal Reform, Toyo Keizai Shinposha, Tokyo, 2004

"The Impact of Accounting Information on Policy Formation in the United States," Changing Policy Priorities in an Aging Society -- Perspective in Common Between Japan And The United States, National Institute for Research Advancement, Tokyo 2004.

"Fiscal issues and Public Awareness," Journal of Economy, Trade and Industry, July Issue, edited by Public Affairs Office of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2004.

"Japan's Fiscal Reform: Legislative Branch is the Key," The Nikkei Shimbun, "Keizai Kyoshitsu," November 17, 2003 .

"In Need of Competitive Opposition Party," The Mainichi Shimbun, October 27, 2003 .

"Japan's Budget Process," Economic Currents, No.28, January 03: Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs, Washington, D.C., 2003.

"What Japan can learn from U.S. Budget Reforms," The Ronza, September Issue: Asahi Shimbun, 2002.

"September 11 Terrorism and the U.S. Congress," The World Studies, June Issue: Takushoku University, Tokyo, 2002.

"Washington's Musical Chairs," Foresight, 1/20-2/16 Issue: Shincho-sha, Tokyo, 2001.

"Policy Making and Committee System," Policy Analysis Review, December Issue: Tokyo Foundation, Tokyo, 2001.

"The Capitol Hill Tsushin," Shokun: Bungei Shunju-sha, Tokyo, monthly series 1994-96.

"Modern Military Mind and PKO," Shokun, February Issue: Bungei Shunju-sha, Tokyo, 1992.


2004 - present - Lecturer, Waseda University
2003 - present - Visiting Researcher, Research Bureau, the House of Representatives
2003 - present - TV Anchor (every Monday evening) "News in Depth," 55 minute live news/talk show by Asahi Newstar, cable and satellite basic channel
2003 - present - Member, the Japanese Association for American Studies
2003 - present - Lecturer, Management Department, Atomi Women's University
2003 - present - Member, the Steering Committee, the Network for Policy Analysis
2004 Member, Minister's Informal Roundtable, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
2002 - 2003 Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University (SAIS Reischauer Center)