Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics
B.Sc., Economics London School of Economics
M.Sc., Econometrics and Mathematical Economics, London School of Economics
Ph.D., Economics, London School of Economics
2004-present Associate Professor National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan
Professor, Meiji Gakuin University, Department of Economics
Associate Professor Josai University, Department of Economics
Professor and Associate Research Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, Institute for Research on Higher Education
Visiting Assistant Professor Columbia University, Department of Economics
Selected Publications and Papers
"Transition from School to Work in Japan," Journal of Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 15, 2001 (with Yuji Genda).
"The Extent and Impact of Enterprise Training: the Case of Kitakyushu City," Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 52, No.2, 2001.
"A Method for the Analysis of the Timing and Magnitude of Events in Continuous-Time Panels: The Effects of British Incomes Policy 1950-73," Journal of Econometrics, September, 59, 1993 (with Stephen Pudney).
"Shogai Geneki no Kiki: Chukoureiki no Shugyo Jyokyo no Bunseki (An analysis of employment status of the elderly in Japan, in Japanese)," in H. Sugisawa & H. Shibata eds. Shogai Geneki no Kiki, World Planning Press, Tokyo, 2003 (with Yoshio, Higuchi).
"Effect of Public Training Programs on Participants' Earnings in Japan (in Japanese)," The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, May No.514, 2003.
"Satisfaction, Wages, Training and Productivity of New Hires (in Japanese)," The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, Jan. No.499, 2002.
"Kokyo Shokugyo Kunren Kikan no Jittai to Sono Kouka ni tuite (Evaluating the impact of public training programs in Japan, in Japanese)" in A. Seike eds. Jinko Koreika to Koyo Seisaku (Employment policy and aging of society), Nippon-Hyoron-Sha, Tokyo, 2001.
"Shokugyo Kunren Shisaku (Manpower Training Policy, in Japanese)," in Inoki and Ohtake eds., Koyo-Seisaku no Keizai-Bunseki (Economic Analysis of Employment Policy, in Japanese)," Tokyo University Press, 2001.
"The School-to-Work Transition in Japan: What Lies behind the Job Choices of Young People? (in Japanese)," The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, May, Vol. 43, 2001 (with Yuji Genda).