KODAMA Toshihiro

The below information is as of March 31, 2006. It may differ from the current information.

KODAMA Toshihiro

KODAMA Toshihiro

Faculty Fellow (until March 31, 2006)

Professor, The Research Center for Advanced Policy Studies Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University

Activities at RIETI


Industrial Clusters focusing on "TAMA" (Technology Advanced Metropolitan Area) the western part of the metropolitan area extending over Tokyo Metropolis ,Saitama and Kanagawa Prefectures ,where a great many large ,medium and small scale high-tech firms - and over thirty universities and colleges with science and engineering departments are located.

Labor movement from stagnant or unproductive sectors to growing or productive sectors, focusing on the intermediary mechanisms of labor demand and supply including job matching and human resources development.

Research Projects


1979 Bachelor in Economics, Tokyo University


1979-1981 International Trade Research Division, International Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
1981-1983 General Affairs Division, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, MITI
1983-1984 Policy Planning Office, Ministerial Secretariat, MITI
1984-1985 Energy Conservation Office, Natural Resources and Energy Agency, MITI
1986-1989 First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in Kenya, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1989-1991 General Affairs Division, International Trade Policy Bureau, MITI
1991-1995 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Policy Science, Saitama University (Industrial Policy)
Aug.-Sep.1993 & Mar.-May 1995 Advisor to the Minister of Industry and Trade, Poland (JICA expert on industrial policy)
1995-1996 Director, Research Division, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, MITI
1996-1997 Director-General, Commerce and Industry Department, Kantou Regional Bureuau of MITI
1997-1998 Director-General, Industrial Policy Department, Kantou Regional Bureau of MITI
1998-1999 Director, Cooperatives Division, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, MITI
1999-2000 Director, Second Domestic Research Division, Research Bureau, Economic Planning Agency
2001-2005 Senior Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
2005.7- Professor, The Research Center for Advanced Policy Studies Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University
Faculty Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry

Selected Publications and Papers

[in English]
"Industry-Academic and Inter-corporate Collaboration
in TAMA (Technology Advanced Metropolitan Area)", in RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 02-E-004, RIETI, December, 2003.

"The Role of Government (Industrial Policy)" Chapter 16 in Made in Japan - Revitalizing Japanese Manufacturing for Economic Growth -, ed. by Japan Commission on Industrial Performance headed by Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, April, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1997.
"Agenda for Industrial Policy in East Asian Countries" in collaboration with H. Ueda and T.Sunada, Stdies in International Trade and Industry, MITI Research Institute, March, 1994.
"Industrial Policy" in Japan's Postwar Experience ? Their Implications for the Transformation of Central and East European Economies -, The Japan Institute of International Affairs, March, 1995.
"Financial Restructuring of Enterprises" in Japan's Postwar Experience - Their Implications for the Transformation of Central and East European Economies -, The Japan Institute of International Affairs, March, 1995.

[in Japanese]
"Comparative Study of Entry Methods among Japan, the U.S. and Major European Countries" in collaboration with Y. Higuchi and M. Abe, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 04-J-036, July, 2004
"Effects of Entry Methods on Labor Market Outcomes of Job Turnover" in collaboration with Y. Higuchi, M. Abe, T. Matsuura and M. Sunada, RIETI Discussion Paper Series 04-J-035, July, 2004
"Innovative Capacity of TAMA Firms and their Cluster Formation - Based on a Questionnaire Survey -" in RIETI Policy Discussion Paper Series 03-P-004, RIETI, October, 2003.
"Industry-Academic and Inter-corporate Collaboration in TAMA (Technology Advanced Metropolitan Area)" in RIETI Discussion Paper Series 02-J-012, RIETI, July, 2002.
"Job-Changing Possibilities as Seen in Reemployment of Mine Workers Unemployed by Mitsui-Miike Mine Closure" in RIETI Discussion Paper Series 01-J-004, RIETI, September, 2001.
"The Transformation of Central and East European Economies and Industrial Policy: The Applicability of Japan's Experience" in MITI Research Review Vol.4, MITI Research Institute, Dec., 1994.
"Industrial Promotion Policy in the High-Growth Period" in collaboration with H. Tanikawa, T. Sunada and K. Tagawa, in MITI Research Review Vol.3, MITI Research Institute, May, 1994.

[Co-ordinated Japanese language government publications]
"Report on Regional Economy, 2000 ? Changing Regional Economy with IT and Growing Firms-", Research Bureau of Economic Planning Agency, June, 2000.
"Report on Innovative Industrial Aglomeration in Greater Tama Region", Kantou Regional Bureau of MITI, June, 1997.
"White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan, 1996 ?The Era of Small and Medium Enterprises: As Promoters of Reconstruction of the Japanese Economy-", Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, MITI, April, 1996 (Summary is translated in English).


Basic Policy Study Committee of Kantou Regional Bureau of METI