The below information is as of February 27, 2008. It may differ from the current information.



Director of Research (until February 27, 2008)

Activities at RIETI


1977-1981 Bachelor of Law, University of Tokyo
1986-1988 MA, PPE, University of Oxford


1981-86 MITI - Industrial Policy, Minister's Secretariat, Regional Policy
1988-94 MITI - Policy Vision, Environmental Policy, Industrial Machinery, Personnel Policy
1994-95 Economic Planning Agency
1995-99 OECD Secretariat - Regulatory Reform Project
1999-2000 Director, Office of International Trade Research, MITI
2000-2003 Director, Electricity Market Division, Electricity and Gas Industry Department, ANRE/METI
2003-2004 Director, Industrial Structure Policy Division, METI
2004-2006.7 Counsellor, Overall Strategy for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office
Consulting Fellow , RIETI
2006.7- Current Post

Selected Publications and Papers

Regulatory Reform, 1998, Chuo Koron

Reform Judiciary System (co-ed.), 2001, Toyo Keizai Shinposha

Regulatory Reform in Japan? Perspectives and Challenge, 2001, in Sato & Yamamoto (ed.): Regulatory Reform in Network Industry, Nihon Hyoron Sha

Japanese Electricity Reform? From Liberalisation to Structural Reform, 2001, in New Development of Electricity Business, Japan Electric Association Newspaper Department (Japanese)

WTO and Domestic Regulatory Reform, 2003, in Iwata (ed.): Japan's Trade Policy and WTO, Nihon Keizai Newspaper Publisher

Economic Analysis of Electricity Reform, 2003-4, series in Keizai Seminar

Regulatory Reform, Market Access and International Market Contestability: An Analytical Framework*, 1996, Regulatory Reform and International Market Openness, OECD

Regulatory Reform in the International Trade Policy Agenda*, 1997 August, Journal of World Trade

Regulatory Reform and Globalization*, 1998 September, Asia-Pacific Review

Unblocking Japanese reform*, 1999 March, OECD Observer

How Can Regulatory Reform be linked to the New Trade Round?*, 1999 October&December, international trade law and regulation
