1.Innovation and Entrepreneurship Policy Analysis
2.Innovative Ecosystems, Entrepreneurial Clusters and Economic Development
3.Social Network Analysis and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analysis
4.Emerging Technologies and Industrial Sectors
5.Entrepreneurship in the United States and Japan
6.Biomedical Clusters and Global Life Science Industry
7.Education Policy and Human Capital Development
8.New Business Incubation Policy and Practice
9.Knowledge Hubs and International Knowledge Diffusion
2001 P.h.D., Political Economy, International Relations, Japan, Northwestern University
1991 B.A., Honors Political Science, International Relations, Loyola University, Chicago
2010-2011 Mike Mansfield Foundation and the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership, U.S.-Japan Network for the Future Fellow
2010 isiting Fellow, Project on Biotech Clusterization in Japan, Kyoto University Graduate School of Management
2009-2010 Expert Panel Member, National Science Foundation, "Advocating for an Inventive and Transformative Recovery in National STEM Education," Award 0947782, E. Anthony Kelly, George Mason University, Principal Investigator
2009-2010 Fulbright New Century Visiting Scholar, Research Center for Innovation Management, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Japan
2008 Japan Policy Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington, D.C.
2005-2006 Social Science Research Council (SSRC)/Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership Abe Fellow, Faculty of Commerce, Doshisha University
2002 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, Japan
2002 Co-Conference Coordinator, Joint Northwestern-Princeton, Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission and Social Science Research Council, Junior Scholars' Workshop on the Embedded Enterprise in Comparative Perspective
2000-2002 Fellow, Program on the Corporation as a Social Institution, Social Science Research Council and Sloan Foundation, Research support: the politics of innovation and the embedded enterprise
1997-1998 Fulbright Graduate Research Fellow, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo; Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University
1997 Foreign Research Fellow, Research on small and medium sized enterprises in Japan, Department of Economics, Hosei University
1995-1996 CIC Visiting Scholar, Political Science: courses, research in Japanese political economy, University of Chicago
Selected Publications and Papers
Book Manuscript
Clustering to Win: Firm, Regional and National Entrepreneurship Strategies in the United States and Japan.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Japan: Politics, Organizations and High Technology Firms, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Book Chapters (refereed)
"New Technology National Innovation Systems in Japan and the United States: Push, Pull, Drag and Jump Factors," Innovation in Japan: Emerging Patterns, Enduring Myths, Routledge 2009.
Refereed Articles
"Kyoto Cluster Culture: National and Regional Entrepreneurship Strategy and Policy in Japan and the United States," Special Issue on Cultures Meet Technology," Journal of Asian Business and Management 8, Issue 4, pp. 395-428, December 2009.
"The Kyoto Model of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Regional Innovation Systems and Cluster Culture," Special Issue on Regional Development, Prometheus 26:1, March 2008.
"New Technology National Innovation Systems in Japan and the United States: Push, Pull, Drag and Jump Factors," Special Issue, Innovation in Japan: emerging patterns, enduring myths, Asia Pacific Business Review, Volume 14, Number 3, July 2008.
"Escaping the Japanese Pyramid: The Association of Small and Medium Size Enterprise Entrepreneurs (SME Doyukai), 1947-1999," (co-written with Hiromichi Obayashi), Special Issue on Embedded Enterprise, Enterprise and Society: The International Journal of Business History, Volume 7, Number 1, Oxford University Press, 2006.
"Alternatives to Hierarchy in Japan: Business Networks and Civic Entrepreneurship," Journal of Asian Business and Management, Volume 3, Number 3 (August 13, 2004).
"Small and Medium Sized Firms Fighting for Survival: Japan's High Tech SMEs," Study on Politics and Economy, Institute of Politics and Economy, No. 75, November 2000 (Japanese).
Non-Refereed Articles
Guest Editorial, Special Issue on Cultures Meet Technology, (with Edward Lincoln), Asian Business & Management Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. 357-361, December 2009.
"Clustering to Win: Push, Pull, Drag, and Jump Factors in New Technology Entrepreneurship in Japan," Japan Chair Platform, Center for Strategic and International Studies, September 22, 2008.
"Entrepreneurship Strategy and Policy in the U.S. and Japan: Push, Pull, Drag and Jump Factors in Emerging Life Science Regions," Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership Newsletter, November 2006.
Theoretical Introduction to Special Issue on the Embedded Enterprise, (with Julian Dierkes and Dirk Zorn), Special Issue on Embedded Enterprise, Enterprise and Society: The International Journal of Business History, Volume 7, Number 1, Oxford University Press, 2006.
"The Business of Survival: Small and Medium-Sized High-Tech Enterprises in Japan," in Special Issue on Dysfunctional Japan: at Home and In the World, Chalmers Johnson, Guest Editor, Asian Perspective, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2000.
Working Papers
Trends in Life Science Entrepreneurship: Policy and Strategy Lessons for Japan, Report to Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), January 30, 2009.
The Entrepreneurial Environment for Science-Based University Start-Ups in the United States: Comparisons to, and Lessons for Japan, Working Paper, Chapter 13, Nara Institute of Advanced Science and Technology (NAIST), Research Report to Ministry of International Trade and Economy, Management of Technology, March 2007.