1987 Bachelor of Law, Kyoto University
1983 Joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
1988 Inspection and Design Policy Office (Standards and Certification Office, Office of Trade Ombudsman), International Trade Administration Bureau, MITI
1989 Small Enterprise Policy Division, Small Enterprise Department, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, MITI
1991 Price Policy Division, Industrial Policy Bureau
Dealt with planning and implementation of Price Policy and took part in JapanUSA Structural Impediments Initiative (SII)
1992 First Domestic Research Division, Research Bureau, Economic Planning Agency (EPA)
1994 Visiting Scholar, Institute of Asian Research, University of British Clumbia, CANADA
1995 Deputy Director, Refinery Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
1996 Director, General Affair and Personel Division, Industrial Structual Infrastractuar Fund
1998 Senior Research Fellow, Research Institute of International Trade and Idustry (MITI/RI), MITI
2001 Senior Coordinator for Advanced Cargo Transport Systems Promotion, Ministry of Land, Infrastracture and Transport (MLIT)
Visiting Fellow, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
2003 Consulting Fellow, RIETI
Selected Publications and Papers
The Role of Japan in the Asia Pasific Area, UBC, 1995
The Blind Corner of e-Government, RIETI, 2002