Parental Earnings Trajectories around Childbirth in Japan: Evidence from local tax records

Author Name FUKAI Taiyo (Gakushuin University) / KONDO Ayako (Faculty Fellow, RIETI)
Creation Date/NO. February 2025 25-E-012
Research Project Evaluation of the Effects of Institutional and Environmental Factors on Family Formation, Parental Labor Market Performance and Children's Academic Performance
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This study examines the impact of childbirth on parental earnings in Japan, using newly available local tax records from multiple municipalities. By applying an event study specification, we estimate the “child penalty”—the percentage reduction in women’s income relative to men’s after childbirth. Our results reveal that women’s income declines by 60–80% immediately after childbirth and remaining 50% below pre-childbirth levels even four years postpartum, while men experience modest income growth. Moreover, the study also identifies significant heterogeneity in income trajectories, particularly among higher-earning women, some of whom recover their earnings close to their pre-birth levels, whereas others earnings remain significantly below pre-birth levels. Additionally, women with pre-birth earnings were lower than the median tend to exit the workforce or adjust their income below the threshold for dependent spouses.