Trends in the Energy Policy of the Republic of South Africa - carbon neutrality, the power sector, and hydrogen -

Author Name NAKANISHI Tasuku (Consulting Fellow, RIETI)
Creation Date/NO. May 2024 24-P-006
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This paper provides an overview of recent trends in the South African government’s energy policy, from the perspective of the development of strategies and legal frameworks, with a focus on three topics: carbon neutrality, power, and hydrogen. Firstly, the paper describes policy frameworks with a view to achieve the net-zero GHG emission commitment under the Paris Agreement, including support from overseas donors based on the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP). Secondly, it describes policy efforts to improve the electricity supply, including accelerated introduction of renewable energy through government procurement and liberalization of the electricity market, which have been taken against the backdrop of the deterioration of the power supply. Thirdly, it describes various measures to promote the development of the value-chain for the hydrogen industry, including R&D support measures for hydrogen-related technologies that have been promoted since the 2000s as well as support for commercialization of the hydrogen supply chain, such as the production, export and utilization of hydrogen.