Sustainable Work Style from the Perspective of Occupational Health Psychology

Author Name SHIMAZU Akihito (Kitasato University)
Creation Date/NO. January 2019 19-P-001
Research Project Research on Working Style Reform and Health Management
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This paper discusses factors for sustainable working style that help workers remain healthy and motivated, with work engagement as a key concept, based on scientific findings. In the second section, I outline occupational health psychology as a scientific basis of work engagement and introduce activities in this field in Japan and other countries. In the third section, I refer to the concept and measurement of work engagement and major empirical findings on it. In the fourth section, I refer to sustainable working style, whereby I focus on improving work engagement and on facilitating off-job experience such as work-life balance and leisure time. In the fifth section, I mention the collaboration between occupational health psychology and economics/business science to facilitate sustainable working style, followed by a summary and future directions in the final section.