Markets for Balancing Power and Transmission Rights Operated by the European TSOs: Implications for the electric power system reform in Japan

Author Name HATTA Tatsuo (Asian Growth Research Institute) / IKEDA Shin Suke (Otaru University of Commerce)
Creation Date/NO. January 2018 18-P-001
Research Project Study on Markets and Policies in the Power System Reform
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In Europe, transmission system operators (TSOs) operate markets for balancing power and transmission rights. In order to investigate the situation of these markets, a RIETI research group conducted a survey visit of European TSOs and their associations. This paper reports the results of the investigation, focusing on the following three points:
1. Domestic operation of balancing power markets
2. International coordination of operations of balancing power markets
3. Operation of the power transmission right markets:

Furthermore, we derive implications for the design of the TSO markets in the course of Japan's electric power reform.