CBAM and Carbon Pricing: Forging fair paths to climate stability How will the EU's CBAM affect global trade, economic inequality, emissions reduction, and international cooperation on carbon pricing? (Video)
Time and Date: 12:30-14:00, Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (CET)
Venue: Rue de la Charité 33, 1210, Brussels + Online (Livestreamed)
Hosts: Bruegel (Brussels European and Global Economic Laboratory)/ Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) / EU-Japan Center for Industrial Cooperation(EUJC)
Toshi Arimura (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor of environmental economics and a Director of the Research Instiiute for Environment Economics and Management, Waseda University)
Ignacio Garcia Bercero (Former Director, European Commission, DG Trade)
Catherine Stewart (Deputy Director for Trade Policy, HM Treasury)
Olha Yevstihnieieva (Decarbonization expert, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine)