AIG Global Trade Series 2023 Podcast Episode 9

The Future of Digital Standards Setting


The proliferation of Artificial Intelligence and other data driven services will have a transformative impact on world trade. At the same time, expanding regulation of the digital economy - be it related to AI, concerns around disinformation or cyber security - will also have profound implications for the way trade is conducted.
In this context the issue of who sets the standards for the global digital economy, and how it is regulated, becomes critical, especially as standard setters often have a material advantage in the market.
So how can different approaches to digital regulation be reconciled against a backdrop of geopolitical tension and macroeconomic insecurity? What is the risk of the digital trade space becoming more fragmented? And what does this mean for the future of trade overall?

The AIG Global Trade Series 2023 is a series of podcasts analysing the complex interplay of factors shaping the global trade system. The Global Trade Series is a collaboration between AIG and the following international organisations with leading expertise on global trade: the Aspen Institute Germany; CEBRI - the Brazilian Center for International Relations; Chatham House (UK); the Clingendael Institute (The Netherlands); the Institute of International Economic Law at Georgetown University Law Center (US); ISPI - the Italian Institute for International Political Studies; the Jacques Delors Institute (France); RIETI - the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan); and the St. Gallen Endowment for Prosperity through Trade (Switzerland).


  • Date: October 26, 2023


  • Anu Bradford, Professor of Law and International Organization, Columbia University
  • Karen Kornbluh, Distinguished Fellow for Technology and Competitiveness, German Marshall Fund


  • Rem Korteweg, Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute
