AIG Global Trade Series 2023 Podcast Episode 7

Sanctions and Screening


Trade and economic interdependence appear to be increasingly weaponised, while appetite for the use of military power - to punish an adversary, to deter, to prevent, to raise costs, or simply to make a political statement - appears to wane. The use of economic pressure instruments by Western governments are increasingly viewed through a national security lens and for the pursuit of foreign policy goals.
Similarly, exposure to economic coercion is of a growing concern. Aiming to reduce the risk of economic ties with other countries, like China and Russia, being used to put them under pressure, Western governments are focusing on making their economies more resilient or less vulnerable to economic pressure from abroad. Trade and investment flows are being scrutinised, alongside whether investments by non-democratic countries in critical infrastructure or critical technologies should or shouldn't be allowed.
What implications does this have for international trade and how will this impact the global trade landscape for the future?

The AIG Global Trade Series 2023 is a series of podcasts analysing the complex interplay of factors shaping the global trade system. The Global Trade Series is a collaboration between AIG and the following international organisations with leading expertise on global trade: the Aspen Institute Germany; CEBRI - the Brazilian Center for International Relations; Chatham House (UK); the Clingendael Institute (The Netherlands); the Institute of International Economic Law at Georgetown University Law Center (US); ISPI - the Italian Institute for International Political Studies; the Jacques Delors Institute (France); RIETI - the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan); and the St. Gallen Endowment for Prosperity through Trade (Switzerland).


  • Date: August 8, 2023


  • Nicholas Mulder, Assistant Professor of History, Cornell University
  • Emily Benson, Director, Project on Trade and Technology and Senior Fellow, Scholl Chair in International Business, CSIS


  • Rem Korteweg, Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute
