RIETI International Webinar

World Economies Surviving and Thriving through COVID-19 and beyond (Handouts and Video)


  • Date: Monday, 31 August, 2020
  • Language: English
  • Host: Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)

Video (YouTube)


Opening Remarks

WATANABE Tetsuya (Vice President, RIETI)


"Social and Natural Factors in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Social learning, political leadership and population concentration"

YANO Makoto (Chairman, RIETI)

"Economics of the Coronavirus"

Dale W. JORGENSON (Samuel W. Morris University Professor, Harvard University)

"Covid, Globotics, Development, and the Future of Work"

Richard BALDWIN (Professor of International Economics, Graduate Institute, Geneva)

Panel Discussion


MORIKAWA Masayuki (President, RIETI)