RIETI Policy Symposium

How to Evaluate a University and What For?: Seeking a model for University Evaluations - The European Experiment -


At the start of the 21st Century, Japanese universities are facing the challenge of reforms on a scale not hitherto experienced. In 2004 the national universities will become 'independent administrative institutions'. To ensure that accountability accompanies this new autonomy, the medium term plan calls for the introduction of a University Evaluation process.

Clearly, individual universities must be able to determine how to position themselves, to set their own objectives and to decide upon their own management system. However, up until now, they have not been allowed to develop these competencies and so a framework strategy and governance model are needed to guide institutions through this transition.

In Europe, University Evaluation has been used to resolve problems within universities, to ensure that the autonomy given to universities is used effectively, and to ensure the smooth management of universities. Professor Weber, former Chancellor of the University of Geneva, has played an important role in establishing the university evaluation system as a board member of the European University Association. Professor Verhaegen, former Chancellor of Universite Libre de Bruxelles, has personal experience of peer reviews in universities as a board member of the University Evaluation Committee.

In the symposium's keynote speeches, the professors will share with us the European experience, based on their deep knowledge of the design and implementation of the European University Evaluation system. There will follow a panel discussion where policy designers and university representatives will take the first steps towards developing a University Evaluation model for Japan.


Hosted by Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
Supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
With the Cooperation of the National Institute for Academic


13:00-13:15 Introduction to the Symposium's aim and presentation of the problem
"The role of University Evaluation in the University Reform process"
AOKI Masahiko (RIETI President, Professor of Stanford University)
13:15-14:00 Keynote speech #1
"How to Evaluate a University and What For? European Experiences"
Luc WEBER (Professor, University of Geneva)
14:00-14:45 Keynote speech #2
"Empowering European Universities: Evaluation in Practice"
Georges VERHAEGEN, (Professor, Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
14:45-15:00 Break
15:00-16:30 Panel Discussion
Seeking a model for University Evaluation
HARAYAMA Yuko (RIETI Faculty Fellow, Professor of Tohoku University)
KIMURA Tsutomu (President, National Institute for Academic Degrees)
HIRASAWA Ryo (Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
IKEGAMI Tetsuhiko (Chancellor of Aizu University)
BANDO Kumiko (Head of Personnel Division, MEXT)
AOKI Masahiko (RIETI President, Professor of Stanford University)
16:30-17:00 Q&A
17:00-18:30 Reception Party at Reception Hall,UNU
There will be a small charge for the reception which will be collected on the day.
* The agenda is subject to change.