
The Relationship between Product Complexity and Exchange Rate Elasticities: Evidence from the People's Republic of China's Manufacturing Industries

執筆者 Willem THORBECKE (上席研究員)/CHEN Chen (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Suzhou)/Nimesh SALIKE (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Suzhou)
発行日/NO. 2020年9月  20-E-075


製品の複雑性が高いほど、国際貿易における製品代替性は低く、したがって価格弾力性は低いと思われる。本研究では、中国の貿易相手国190カ国に輸出されている製品について、Harmonized System 4桁レベルで細分類される960種類の中国製輸出品を用いて、この問題を分析した。製品複雑性の測定には、Hausmann and Hidalgo (2009)の製品複雑性指標を用いた。検証の結果、価格弾力性は製品の複雑性が高いほど低いことが明らかになった。すなわち、中国は、輸出バスケットの高度化を図ることによって、輸出業者の関税、貿易戦争、為替レート変動へのエクスポージャーを削減できることが示唆される。


More complex products are less substitutable in international trade and may therefore have lower price elasticities. We investigate this issue using 960 types of Chinese manufactured exports to 190 partner countries disaggregated at the Harmonized System 4-digit level. We measure complexity using Hausmann and Hidalgo's (2009) product complexity index. We find that price elasticities are lower for more complex goods. These results imply that the People's Republic of China can reduce its exporters' exposure to tariffs, trade wars, and exchange rate volatility by upgrading its export basket.

Published: Thorbecke, Willem, Chen Chen, and Nimesh Salike, 2021. "The relationship between product complexity and exchange rate elasticities: Evidence from the People's Republic of China's manufacturing industries," Asian Development Review, Volume 38, Number 2 (2021), 189-212.

Published: Chen, Chen, Nimesh Salike, and Willem Thorbecke, 2024. "Exchange rate effects on China's exports: Product sophistication and exchange rate elasticity," Asian Economic Journal, Volume37, Issue3 (2023), 371-400.