
Wealth Distribution in the Endogenous Growth Model with Idiosyncratic Investment Risk

執筆者 平口 良司 (明治大学)
発行日/NO. 2018年2月  18-E-009
研究プロジェクト 持続的成長とマクロ経済政策




In this paper, we study the continuous time Uzawa-Lucas growth model with physical and human capital accumulation, and study the relationship between economic growth and wealth inequality. Human capital accumulation is deterministic, but investment in physical capital is subject to the idiosyncratic risk. There exists a unique balanced growth path, and the stationary wealth distribution along the path is double Pareto. We show that the increase in efficiency in human capital accumulation raises economic growth, and further equalizes wealth distribution. We also consider a case with linear tax on risky physical capital, and show that capital tax reduces the degree of wealth inequality.