
The Effects of Minimum Wages on Training

執筆者 原 ひろみ (日本女子大学)
発行日/NO. 2015年6月  15-E-075
研究プロジェクト 変化する日本の労働市場―展望と政策対応―


本稿では、最低賃金の上昇が企業内訓練と自己啓発に与える影響を厚生労働省『能力開発基本調査』の労働者個票データを使ってDifference-in-difference-in-differences (DDD) 法という推定手法で分析した。企業内訓練はOff-JTとOJTを区別して取り扱った。




This study examines how minimum wages affect on-the-job training and worker-initiated training using micro data on Japanese female workers, and is the first to use the difference-in-difference-in-differences method to estimate this effect in a Japanese context. The estimation results show that a 1% increase in minimum wages causes a 2.5% decline in the formal training of female workers with no college education, but no statistically significant decrease in informal training. Assuming that the general components form a large portion of formal training and that firm-specific components are a large part of informal training, we regard the former as general training and the latter as firm-specific training. Therefore, the results indicate that minimum wage increases affect general training more than firm-specific training as predicted by economic theory. Concurrent with the decrease in formal training, the results also show that a 1% increase in minimum wages causes a 3.6% decrease in worker-initiated training activities among this group. This suggests that there is no evidence of workers increasing their self-learning activities to compensate for the decreasing skill development opportunities in the workplace. Thus, increases in minimum wages could lead to skill development inequality between unskilled and skilled workers.

Published: Hara, Hiromi, 2017. "Minimum wage effects on firm-provided and worker-initiated training," Labour Economics Vol. 47, pp. 149-162