
Impacts of FTAs and BITs on the Locational Choice of Foreign Direct Investment: The case of Japanese firms

執筆者 浦田 秀次郎  (ファカルティフェロー)
発行日/NO. 2015年5月  15-E-066
研究プロジェクト FTAの経済的影響に関する研究




This paper examines the impacts of Japan's free trade agreements (FTAs) and bilateral investment treaties (BITs) on the locational choice of Japanese firms' foreign direct investment (FDI). Japan's FTAs have comprehensive coverage, as they cover not only trade liberalization in the form of tariff elimination/reduction but also FDI liberalization and facilitation in the forms of granting foreign firms national treatment, non-application of performance requirements, etc. In light of the inclusion of provisions concerning FDI liberalization/facilitation in Japan's FTAs, the paper analyzes whether Japan's FTAs have expected positive impacts on Japanese firms' decision of the location of FDI by applying the conditional logit model. The paper also examines the impacts of BITs. The analysis finds that both FTAs and BITs have positive impacts on Japan's FDI.