
Competitive Search with Moving Costs

執筆者 川田 恵介 (広島大学) /中島 賢太郎 (東北大学) /佐藤 泰裕 (大阪大学)
発行日/NO. 2014年8月  14-E-052
研究プロジェクト 地域の経済成長に関する空間経済分析




We developed a competitive search model involving multiple regions, geographically mobile workers, and moving costs. Equilibrium mobility patterns were analyzed and characterized, and the results indicate that shocks to a particular region, such as a productivity shock, can propagate to other regions through workers' mobility. Moreover, equilibrium mobility patterns are not efficient because of the existence of moving costs, implying that they affect social welfare because not only are they costs but also they distort equilibrium allocation. By calibrating our framework to Japanese regional data, we demonstrate the extent to which changes in moving costs affect unemployment and social welfare.

Published: Kawata, Keisuke, Kentaro Nakajima, and Yasuhiro Sato, 2016. "Multi-region job search with moving costs," Regional Science and Urban Economics Vol. 61, pp. 114-129