
Accounting for Labor Input in Chinese Industry, 1949-2009

執筆者 伍 暁鷹  (一橋大学経済研究所) /岳 希明  (中国人民大学財政金融学院)
発行日/NO. 2012年10月  12-E-065
研究プロジェクト 東アジア産業生産性


本稿では、ユーザコストの角度から公刊資料および非公開資料を利用して、1949-2009年の期間における中国産業別の労働投入時系列を推計する。特に、性別、教育レベル、企業所有権および産業特性を考慮し、労働投入の構造変化と質の変化を分解する。推計結果は、まず、労働投入増加率は改革開放前の6.9%から改革開放後の3.8 %まで低下したこと、つぎに、雇用構造の変化は改革開放前では、経済成長に12%を寄与したが、改革開放後はマイナスの影響に転じたこと、を示している。それは、従業者の教育および年齢(経験やキャリア)の変化は、計画経済期より改革開放期において、経済成長にプラスの影響が大きいことを示唆し、改革開放後の輸出志向並びに労働集約的産業発展パターンは、計画経済期における資源配分の歪みを是正したことを含意している。


Following the user cost theory on measuring labor input, after a careful scrutiny of available information, we construct employment and compensation matrices for China's industrial workforce over the period 1949-2009. Our measures are able to capture both individual and interactive effects of changes in gender, age, education, industry and ownership types of China's industrial workforce, and decompose the growth of labor input in Chinese industry into quantity and composition ("quality") effects. We find that the annual growth of the labor input in Chinese industry experienced a substantial decline from 6.9% per annum in the pre-reform period to 3.8% per annum in the post-reform period. Change of labor composition accounted for about 12% in the planning period (or 0.8% growth per annum), but it made little contribution during the reform period. We also find that the changes in industrial structure and age structure (reflecting the effects of seniority and experience) almost explained for the entire (positive) change in labor composition in the planning period. However, the change of education turned into negative after 1965 which made the average contribution of education negative in the planning period. Following the reform, education showed the most important contribution in the 1990s when the reform deepened, but the effect turned into negative again alongside China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO).