
Self-Production, Friction, and Risk Sharing against Disasters: Evidence from a developing country

執筆者 澤田 康幸 (ファカルティフェロー)/中田 啓之 (エセックス大学)/小寺 寛彰 (リサーチアシスタント / 東京大学)
発行日/NO. 2011年3月  11-E-017
研究プロジェクト 開発援助の先端研究




This paper uses a unique household data set collected in Vietnam to empirically test the necessary conditions for an extended version of the consumption risk-sharing hypothesis. The test explicitly incorporates self-production and uses natural disasters such as avian influenza, droughts, and floods to identify the effectiveness of market and non-market risk-sharing mechanisms. With these additional treatments, full risk sharing cannot be rejected, which suggests the presence of omitted variable bias in existing studies that reject full risk sharing. We also find that credit constraints have a significant impact, although limited commitment is not necessarily serious.

Published: Sawada, Yasuyuki, Hiroyuki Nakata, and Tomoaki Kotera, 2017. "Self-production, friction, and risk sharing against disasters: Evidence from a developing country," World Development, Vol. 94, pp. 27-37