执行期间: 2011年4月19日 — 2013年3月31日
- 13-E-066
"Make or Buy, and/or Cooperate? The Property Rights Approach to Auto Parts Procurement in Japan" (TAKEDA Yosuke and UCHIDA Ichihiro) - 13-E-047
"The Effect of Moving to a Territorial Tax System on Profit Repatriations: Evidence from Japan" (HASEGAWA Makoto and KIYOTA Kozo) - 13-E-023
"Trade Adjustments to Exchange Rate Changes by Japanese Manufacturing MNEs: Intra-firm and arm's length transactions" (ANDO Mitsuyo and KIMURA Fukunari)
- 13-E-020
"Heterogeneous Impact of Trade Liberalization on Vertical FDI: Evidence from Japanese firm-level data" (HAYAKAWA Kazunobu and MATSUURA Toshiyuki) - 13-E-019
"Performance of Newly Listed Firms: Evidence from Japanese firm and venture capital data" (MIYAKAWA Daisuke and TAKIZAWA Miho) - 13-E-011
"International Productivity Gaps and the Export Status of Firms: Evidence from France and Japan" (Flora BELLONE, KIYOTA Kozo, MATSUURA Toshiyuki, Patrick MUSSO and Lionel NESTA) - 12-E-047
"International Production Networks and Domestic Operations of Japanese Manufacturing Firms: Normal periods and the Global Financial Crisis" (ANDO Mitsuyo and KIMURA Fukunari) - 12-E-020
"Product and Labor Market Imperfections and Scale Economies: Micro-evidence on France, Japan and the Netherlands" (Sabien DOBBELAERE, KIYOTA Kozo and Jacques MAIRESSE) - 12-J-022