- 企业行为与宏观经济 (2022年7月11日 — 2024年12月31日)
2006年3月 庆应义塾大学经济系毕业
2010年9月 俄亥俄州立大学经济系硕士课程毕业
2015年5月 俄亥俄州立大学经济系博士课程结业
2006年 入职日本银行
2015年 伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院经济系
2020年 庆应义塾大学经济系
Working Papers
- "Measuring business-level expectations and uncertainty: survey evidence and the COVID-19 pandemic", Japanese Economic Review, 2021, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 509-532.
- "Uncertainty, Imperfect Information, and Expectation Formation over the Firm's Life Cycle," RIETI Discussion Paper, No. 18-E-010, 2020. (with Cheng Chen, Chang Sun and Hongyong Zhang)
- "Aggregate Consequences of Credit Subsidy Policies: Firm Dynamics and Misallocation," Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 32, 2019, pp. 68-93. (with In Hwan Jo)
- "A New Look at Uncertainty Shocks: Imperfect Information and Misallocation," Working Paper, 2018, Queen Mary University of London
- "The Dynamics of Inter-firm Networks and Firm Growth," RIETI Discussion Paper, No. 17-E-110, 2017. (with Daisuke Fujii and Yukiko Saito)
- "Firm Dynamics, Misallocation, and Targeted Policies," RIETI Discussion Paper, No. 17-E-017, 2017. (with In Hwan Jo)
- "Policy Uncertainty and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from the China-Japan islands dispute," RIETI Discussion Paper, No. 16-E-090, 2016. (with Cheng Chen, Chang Sun and Hongyong Zhang)
- "Default Risk and Aggregate Fluctuations in an Economy with Production Heterogeneity," Working Paper, The Ohio State University, 2016. (with Aubhik Khan and Julia Thomas)
- "Raising Productivity: UK economic statistics review and EBPM," February 4, 2019.
- 企业行为能否改变(下) 前景堪忧,慎重行事”,日本经济新闻“经济教室”栏目,2018年3月8日
- "The dynamics of inter-firm networks and firm growth," VoxEU, February 10, 2018.
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Co-I), 2017-2021
Co-lead, Economics Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE) at NIESR, 2017-2020
General Research Fund and Early Career Scheme (Co-I), 2016-2018
Bank of England RDC Grant (PI), 2016-2017
Society for Computational Economics Student Prize, 2014
JMCB Travel Grant, 2012; 2014