
作者 岩田和之(松山大学)、森田玉雪(山梨县立大学)、鹤见哲也(南山大学)、马奈木俊介(教职研究员)
发表日期/编号 2020年4月 20-J-021
研究课题 人工智能对宏观经济和微观经济动态的影响以及对各种课题的应对的分析


This study incorporates two dimensions of AI in medical institutions. First, we determine the patients' priority of the medical services that AI can provide. Second, we elicit the patients' Willingness To Accept (WTA) value for AI robots that deliver bad news (months to live). With a survey of 15,001 samples taken from all over Japan, we found: (1) People consider "accuracy of diagnosis" as most important, followed by "communication with doctors," and (2) people like to receive bad news from human doctors, but if such bad news is to be delivered by AI, the form of the AI robot that is preferred differs depending on the situation.