马奈木 俊介

马奈木 俊介顔写真

马奈木 俊介 MANAGI Shunsuke


九州大学研究生院工学研究院城市系统工学讲座主任教授 城市研究中心主任






2002 美国罗德岛大学研究生院博士毕业,Ph.D(经济学)


2002 南卡罗莱纳大学商学院讲师
2003 东京农工大学研究生院副教授
2005 横滨国立大学经营学系副教授
2007 横滨国立大学研究生院国际社会科学研究科副教授
2010 东北大学环境科学研究科环境能源经济部门副教授
2010年- 东京大学共政策研究生院特任副教授
2011年- IPCC LeadAuthor
2015年4月- 九州大学研究生院工学研究院城市系统工学讲座教授



  • 马奈木俊介(编著)《人工智能的经济学》MINERVA书房,2018年
  • 马奈木俊介(编著)《富裕的价值评估——新国富指标的构建》中央经济社,2017年
  • Managi, S. (Eds.) 2017. The Wealth of Nations and Regions, Routledge, New York, USA.
  • 马奈木俊介、池田真也、中村宽树《新国富论——用新的经济指标促进地方振兴》岩波BOOKLET、岩波书店,2016
  • 马奈木俊介(编著)《从核电站事故后的能源供给看日本经济——东日本大地震带来了哪些影响》MINERVA书房,2016年
  • Managi, S., and K. Kuriyama. 2016. Environmental Economics, Routledge, New York, USA.
  • Managi, S. (Eds.) 2015. The Economics of Green Growth -New Indicators for Sustainable Societies, Routledge, New York, USA.
  • 龟山康子、马奈木俊介(编著)《用资源贯穿未来》岩波书店,2015年
  • 马奈木俊介(编著)《农林水产的经济学》中央经济社,2015年
  • 马奈木俊介(编著)《能源经济学》中央经济社,2014年
  • 马奈木俊介(编著)《环境·能源·资源战略:开拓新成长领域》日本评论社,2013年
  • Managi, S. (Eds.) (forthcoming). The Economics of Green Growth -New Indicators for Sustainable Societies, Routledge, New York, USA.
  • Managi, S. (Eds.) (2015). The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia, Routledge, New York, USA.
  • Managi, S. (Eds.) 2012. The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Routledge, New York, USA.
  • Shinkuma, T. and Managi, S. 2011. Waste and Recycling: Theory and Empirics, Routledge, New York, USA.
  • 《改变日本未来的绿色创新》马奈木俊介、林良造(共同编著),中央经济社,2012
  • "Technology, Natural Resources and Economic Growth: Improving the Environment for a Greener Future." Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK. (2011)
  • 《环境商务与政策 通过个案研究学习环境经济学》昭和堂(与丰澄智己合著,2012)
  • 《资源经济学 水产业个案研究》,Minerva书房,2010年(与宝多康弘合著)
  • "Chinese Economic Development and Environment." Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK. (与Kaneko, S.合著,2009)
  • "The Economics of Sustainable Development: The Case of India." Springer, New York, USA. (与Kumar, S.合著,2009)
  • "Technological Change and Environmental Policy: A Study of Depletion in the Oil and Gas Industry." Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd (2009)
  • 《环境经营的经济分析》中央经济社(2009)
  • 《把握环境经济学》有斐阁(与栗山浩一合著,2008)


  • Managi, S., and M. Wakamatsu. 2017. "Pay Countries to Stop Whaling," Nature 546, 352.
  • Fujii, H., S. Okamoto, S. Kagawa., and S. Managi. 2017. "Decomposition of Toxicity Emission Changes on the Demand and Supply sides: Empirical Study of the US Industrial Sector," Environmental Research Letters 12(12) 124008.
  • Horie, S., and S. Managi. 2017. "Why Do People Stay in or Leave Fukushima?" Journal of Regional Science 5(7): 840–857.
  • Halkos, G., and S. Managi. 2017. "Measuring the Effect of Economic Growth on Countries' Environmental Efficiency: A Conditional Directional Distance Function Approach," Environmental and Resource Economics 68 (3):753–775.
  • Halkos, G., and S. Managi. 2017. "Recent Advances in Empirical Analysis on Growth and Environment: Introduction," Environment and Development Economics 22 (6): 649–657.
  • Johnstone, N., S. Managi, M. Rodríguez, I. Haščič, H. Fujii, and M. Souchier. 2017. "Environmental Policy Design, Innovation and Efficiency Gains in Electricity Generation," Energy Economics 63: 106-115.
  • Managi, S., Goonetilleke, A., and C. Wilson. 2016. "Embed Storm water Use in City Planning," Nature 532 (7597): 37. Kumar, S. and S. Managi. 2016. "Carbon Sensitive Productivity, Climate and Institutions," Environment and Development Economics 21 (1): 109-133.
  • Dasgupta, P., A. Duraiappah, S. Managi, E. Barbier, R. Collins, B. Fraumeni, H. Gundimeda, G. Liu, and K. J. Mumford. 2015. "How to Measure Sustainable Progress," Science 13 (35): 748.
  • Fujii, H. and S. Managi. 2015. "Optimal Production Resource Reallocation for CO2 Emissions Reduction in Manufacturing Sectors," Global Environmental Change 35: 505-513.
  • Oikawa, K. and S. Managi. 2015. "R&D in Clean Technology: A Project Choice Model with Learning," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 117: 175-195.
  • Chen, P-C., Yu, M-M., Chang, C-C., Hsu, S-H., and S. Managi. 2015. "The Enhanced Russell-Based Directional Distance Measure with Undesirable Outputs: Numerical Example Considering CO2 Emissions," Omega - The International Journal of Management Science 53: 30-40.
  • Fuiji, H., S. Managi., M. Matousek. 2014. "Indian Bank Efficiency and Productivity Changes with Undesirable Outputs: A disaggregated approach," Journal of Banking and Finance 38 (1): 41-50.
  • Managi, S., Hibiki, A., and Shimane, T. 2014. "Efficiency or Technology Adoption: A Case Study in Waste- Treatment Technology," Resource and Energy Economics 36 (2): 586-600.
  • Akao, K., S. Managi. 2013. "A Tradable Permit System in an Intertemporal Economy," Environmental and Resource Economics 55 (3): 309-336.
  • Tanaka, K., S. Managi. 2013. "Measuring Productivity Gains from Deregulation of the Japanese Urban Gas Industry," The Energy Journal 34 (4): 181-198.
  • Kerstens., K., S. Managi. 2012. "Total Factor Productivity Growth and Convergence in the Petroleum Industry: Empirical Analysis Testing for Convexity," International Journal of Production Economics 139 (1): 196-206.
  • Shinkuma, T. and S. Managi, S. 2011. "A License Scheme: An Optimal Waste Management Policy under Asymmetric Information" Journal of Regulatory Economics 39 (2): 143-168.
  • Kumar, S., S. Managi. 2011. Non-Separability and Substitutability among Water Pollutants: Evidence from India, Environment and Development Economics 16 (6): 709-733.
  • Kumar, S. and S. Managi. 2010. "Sulfur Dioxide Allowances: Trading and Technological Progress," Ecological Economics 69 (3): 623-631.
  • Hibki, A. and S. Managi. 2010. "Environmental Information Provision, Market Valuation, and Firm Incentives: An Empirical Study of the Japanese PRTR System," Land Economics 86 (2): 382-393.
  • Kumar, S. and S. Managi. 2009. "Energy Price-Induced and Exogenous Technological Change: Assessing the Economic and Environmental Outcomes," Resource and Energy Economics 31 (4): 33-353.
  • Managi., S., Hibki, A. and T. Tsurumi 2009. "Does Trade Openness Improve Environmental Quality?," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58 (3): 346-363.
  • Managi, S. and S. Kaneko, 2009. "Environmental Performance and Returns to Pollution Abatement in China," Ecological Economics 68 (6): 1643-1651.
  • Akao, K. and S. Managi, 2007. "The Feasibility and Optimality of Sustainable Growth under Materials Balance," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31 (11): 3778-3790.
  • Managi, S., J.J. Opaluch, D. Jin, and T.A. Grigalunas, 2005 . "Environmental Regulations and Technological Change in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry," Land Economics 81 (2): 303-319.
  • Managi, S., J.J., Opaluch, D. Jin, and T.A. Grigalunas, 2004. "Technological Change and Depletion in Offshore Oil and Gas," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 47 (2): 388-409.
  • 详细内容请参照 http://www.managi-lab.com/english.html(英文)


Resource and Energy Economics 副主编
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 共同主编
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 编辑委员
环境经济与政策研究 编辑委员
