- 时间:2008年7月25日(星期五)13:30—17:55
- 会场:RIETI国际会议室 (东京都千代田区霞关1丁目3番1号 经济产业省别馆11层1121房间)
- 使用语言:日语、英语(有同声传译)
- 参加费用:1000日元(开具正式发票)(学生500日元)
- 主办单位:独立行政法人经济产业研究所(RIETI)
- 协助单位:社团法人日本商事仲裁协会
大会发言 "国际投资规则是什么?"
大会发言 "关于投资协定的最新动向"
Anna JOUBIN-BRET (Senior Legal Adviser, Policies and Capacity-building Branch (PCBB), Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise(DIAE), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD))
Ms. Anna Joubin-Bret is the Senior Legal Adviser of the program on investment policies with the Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise of UNCTAD, Geneva. She is the technical assistance and training coordinator of the work programme on international investment agreements (IIAs). She has been overseeing the research of the programme, including the publications of the UNCTAD Series on issues in international investment agreements. Among other publications, she has co-authored the recent UNCTAD publication on "Bilateral investment treaties 1995-2006: Trends in investment rulemaking" and several articles published recently.
Ms. Joubin-Bret holds a post-graduate degree (DEA) in Private International Law from the University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne. She graduated in International Economic Law from University Paris I and in Political Science from Institut d'Etudes Politiques. She has been Legal Counsel in the legal department of the Schneider Group, General Counsel of the KIS Group and Director-Expert of Pomagalski S.A. She has been appointed judge at the Commercial Court in Grenoble (France).
大会发言 "对外投资受投资协定保护吗?"
Louis T. WELLS (Herbert F. Johnson Professor, International Management, Harvard Business School)
Professor Louis T. Wells is the Herbert F. Johnson Professor of International Management at the Harvard Business School. He has served as consultant to governments of a number of developing countries, as well as to international organizations and private firms. His principal consulting activities have been concerned with foreign investment policy and with negotiations between foreign investors and host governments.
His research interests include multinational enterprises; international business-government relations; foreign investment in developing countries; and foreign investment by firms from developing countries. He was the Coordinator for Indonesia Projects, Harvard Institute for International Development, Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1994-5. His associations include: Fellow - Academy of International Business, member - Foreign Advisory Board - Lahore Business School, and member - Council on Foreign Relations.
Professor Wells received a BS in Physics from Georgia Tech and his MBA and DBA from the Harvard Business School.
大会发言 "投资保险与投资协定"
主持人:小寺彰 (RIETI教职研究员,东京大学研究生院综合文化研究科教授)
大会发言 "投资协定的现状与推进方式"
大会发言 "为实现可持续的国际投资法规制度"
Anna JOUBIN-BRET (Senior Legal Adviser, Policies and Capacity-building Branch (PCBB), Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise(DIAE), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD))
Louis T. WELLS (Herbert F. Johnson Professor, International Management, Harvard Business School)
及川耕造 (RIETI理事长)
Prior to his current position, Mr. Oikawa served as Senior Executive Director, Development Bank of Japan (2003-'05); Advisor, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (2002- '03); Research Counselor, TEPIA (2002-'03); Commissioner, Japan Patent Office; Director- General, Bureau of Equipment, Japan Defense Agency; Director-General for Policy Coordination, Minister's Secretariat; Councilor, Cabinet Secretariat; Deputy Director- General for Security Export Control, International Trade Administration Bureau; Director, Coordination Division, Bureau of Equipment, Japan Defense Agency; Director, Small Enterprise Policy Division, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency; Counselor, Japanese Mission to European Community, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Director, Paper, Pulp & Printing Division, Consumer Goods Industries Bureau. Mr. Oikawa graduated from the University of Tokyo with a B.A. in Economics.