


  中国产业生产率数据库(以下简称CIP)是经济产业研究所(RIETI)“提高产业和企业生产率”研究项目中的“东亚产业生产率”研究课题与北京大学增长实验室、一桥大学经济研究所开展合作研究,为分析中国经济增长和产业结构变化而制作的基础资料。我们不断对上述资料进行修订和更新。本次网站发布的是中国产业生产率(CIP)数据库2023(CIP 4.0)版。通过追加2015年CIP数据库(CIP 3.0)之后可用的新数据,并使用CIP 3.0阶段未能解决的数据问题处理的新方法,对CIP3.0进行了大幅度修订。本文简要介绍CIP 4.0数据库的特征和和修订核心。

  首先,CIP 4.0时间序列并不是1980年至2010年CIP 3.0时间序列的直接延伸,而是涵盖了1987年至2017年期间。这是因为我们使用中国1987年和2017年两套SNA型完整投入产出表,限定可获得最佳投入产出结构,构建时间序列数据。Wu et al.(2023 forthcoming)解释了为什么我们没有象CIP3.0那样超出两个投入产出范围直接延长时间序列的原因。

  其次,在构建中国投入产出时间序列时,CIP4.0没有使用自1987年以来每五年发布一次的完整投入产出表,即简化投入产出表。原因是短短一、两年发生了不合理的快速结构性变化(参见Wu and Li,2023 forthcoming)。

  第三,CIP 4.0通过对正规经济部门内外两个未分类残差的新处理方式,大幅修正了服务部门间劳动力就业数据的分布,从而解决了与非物质性服务(金融服务)相比物质性服务(例如运输等直接连接或延伸到商品生产的服务)的不合理快速下降的问题。修正中使用了按所有权划分的劳动和相关报酬信息(不涵盖CIP4.0)(参见 Wu and Zhang,2023 forthcoming)。

  第四,CIP4.0通过将CIP投资总额与中国投入产出表中提示的固定资本形成总额(Gross Fixed Capital Formation:GFCF)之间的数据差分配到CIP37部门这一新尝试,对资本数据进行了大幅修正。修正时使用了按企业所有权划分的投资信息(不包括在CIP4.0之中)和假设。 这对各部门的资本存量和资本投入估算产生了重大影响(参见Wu and Liang,2023 forthcoming)。

  第五,使用CIP4.0数据的增长核算结果提供了中国总增长和生产率绩效的产业来源,但由于基于各种假设,当然显示的是要素投入的普遍贡献,而不是不同类别要素的贡献,因此不包括各项资产和各种劳动类型的贡献(参见Wu et al.2023 forthcoming)。


  • Wu, Harry X. and Zhan Li. 2021. “Reassessing China’s GDP Growth Performance: An Exploration of the Underestimated Price Effect”, RIETI Discussion Papers, 21-E-018, 2021 (RIETI: Research Institute for Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan)
  • Wu, Harry X. and Zhan Li. 2023 (forthcoming). Construction of China’s National Input-Output Tables in Time Series 1978-2018.
  • Wu, Harry X., Zhan Li, David T. Liang, Guang Zhang and Huimin Zhu. 2023 (forthcoming). Accounting for China’s Growth and Productivity Performance in 1978-2018: An Introduction to the CIP 4.0 Database.
  • Wu, Harry X. and Guang Zhang. 2023 (forthcoming). Measuring Labor Input in the Post-Reform Chinese Economy, 1978-2018.
  • Wu, Harry X. and David T. Liang. 2023 (forthcoming). Measuring Capital Input in the Post-Reform Chinese Economy, 1978-2018.




  • 伍晓鹰(北京大学)(团队负责人)
  • 深尾京司(一桥大学)
  • 乾友彦(学习院大学)
  • 岳希明(中国人民大学)
  • 李展(安徽师范大学)
  • 梁涛(JETRO亚洲经济研究所)
  • 张光(香港科技大学)
  • 朱慧敏(RIETI,截止2023年3月19日)


  • 芹泽丽子(一桥大学)
  • 吴紫薇(北京大学)



  • 何文胜(哈佛大学)
  • Jiemin Guo(美国商务部经济分析局)
  • 孟渤(JETRO亚洲经济研究所)


1. 投入产出表

  1. updated December 21, 2023

    1.1 Input-output tables 1987–2017 in millions current yuan. [ XLSX:630KB ]

  2. updated December 21, 2023

    1.2 Gross value-added by industry in millions current yuan. [ XLSX:26KB ]

  3. updated December 21, 2023

    1.3 Gross value of output by industry in millions current yuan. [ XLSX:27KB ]

  4. updated December 21, 2023

    1.4 Distribution of gross value-added in millions current yuan: [ XLSX:40KB ]

    1. 1.4.1 Capital compensation.
    2. 1.4.2 Labor compensation.

  5. updated December 21, 2023

    1.5 Final demand by industry in millions current yuan: [ XLSX:78KB ]

    1. 1.5.1 Consumption.
    2. 1.5.2 Capital formation.
    3. 1.5.3 Export.
    4. 1.5.4 Import.

  6. updated December 21, 2023

    1.6 Producer price index by industry, previous year=100. [ XLSX:22KB ]

2. 资本投入数据

  1. updated December 21, 2023

    2.1 Investment by industry in millions current yuan. [ XLSX:28KB ]

  2. updated December 21, 2023

    2.2 Capital stock by industry in millions 2000 yuan. [ XLSX:28KB ]

  3. updated December 21, 2023

    2.3 Capital input index by industry, 2000=1. [ XLSX:27KB ]


  1. updated December 21, 2023

    3.1 Numbers employed by industry in 1000s. [ XLSX:25KB ]

  2. updated December 21, 2023

    3.2 Hours worked by industry in millions. [ XLSX:22KB ]

  3. updated December 21, 2023

    3.3 Labor input index by industry, 2000=1. [ XLSX:27KB ]


updated December 21, 2023

  1. 4.1 The measurement of value-added growth:

    1. 4.1.1 Nominal gross output by industry (current price, million yuan).
    2. 4.1.2 Nominal intermediate inputs by industry (current price, million yuan).
    3. 4.1.3 Nominal value added by industry (current price, million yuan).
    4. 4.1.4 Growth rate of real gross output by industry.
    5. 4.1.5 Growth rate of real intermediate inputs by industry.
    6. 4.1.6 Growth rate of real value added by industry.

  2. 4.2 The measurement of capital input growth:

    1. 4.2.1 Nominal capital compensation by industry (current price, million yuan).
    2. 4.2.2 Capital input by industry (Divisia index, 2000=1.000).
    3. 4.2.3 Real net capital stock index by industry (2000=1.000).
    4. 4.2.4 Capital quality index by industry (2000=1.000).

  3. 4.3 The measurement of labor input growth:

    1. 4.3.1 Nominal labor compensation by industry (current price, million yuan).
    2. 4.3.2 Labor input by industry (Divisia index, 2000=1.000).
    3. 4.3.3 Hours worked index by industry (2000=1.000).
    4. 4.3.4 Labor quality index by industry (2000=1.000).

  4. 4.4 Sources of China’s output growth, gross output based:

    1. 4.4.1 Contribution of intermediate inputs to gross output growth.
    2. 4.4.2 Contribution of real net capital stock to gross output growth.
    3. 4.4.3 Contribution of capital quality to gross output growth.
    4. 4.4.4 Contribution of hours worked to gross output growth.
    5. 4.4.5 Contribution of labor quality to gross output growth.
    6. 4.4.6 Contribution of TFP growth.

  5. 4.5 Sources of China’s output growth, value-added based:

    1. 4.5.1 Contribution of real net capital stock to value-added growth.
    2. 4.5.2 Contribution of capital quality to value-added growth.
    3. 4.5.3 Contribution of hours worked to value-added growth.
    4. 4.5.4 Contribution of labor quality to value-added growth.
    5. 4.5.5 Contribution of TFP growth.

  6. 4.6 Sources of China’s labor productivity growth, value-added based:

    1. 4.6.1 Growth rate of labor productivity (real value added/hours worked).
    2. 4.6.2 Contribution of capital input per hours worked (capital deepening).
    3. 4.6.3 Contribution of labor quality to labor productivity growth.
    4. 4.6.4 Contribution of TFP growth.


  1. updated December 21, 2023

    CIP classification reconciled to Chinese National Accounts and EU-KLEMS classifications. [ XLSX:12KB ]