RIETI-CARF Policy Symposium

What Financing Mechanisms and Organizations of Business Entities Best Facilitate Innovation?


Joint ventures among existing firms and new venture businesses have long been recognized as important from the point of view of promoting innovation, and are becoming increasingly critical for Japan.

For instance, in the case of large corporations, liquiditization consisting of conducting smooth collaboration with other firms and utilizing its own assets effectively, and leading finance into that firm are of great concern for businesses. At the same time, for new venture businesses, how to adapt their strategies according to the stage of corporate development, and which kind of "exit" to consider (such as IPO) are crucial.

However, to what extent a firm can attract risk money and risk capital depends on the form of the business entity, the possible method of financing of its activities, and also on the nature of the market for financing, and the institutional background of the country, including the legal framework.

Through this symposium, participants will discuss the ideal form of financing according to the stage of corporate growth, legal framework concerning corporatization by examining overseas cases, and will try to provide insight as to the future direction of policymaking in this area and the market environment. In particular, overseas scholars will be invited to present cases of corporate legislation in Europe, for which information is relatively hard to obtain in Japan, to examine the commonalities with Japan and shared problems and deepen the scope of discussion. Concrete themes such as the issue of vehicle (including disclosure, pass-through, service contribution and minimum capital) will be addressed.

The first day of the two-day event will be of a high academic standard, targeted mainly at professional practitioners and researchers who wish to deepen their understanding of the issues. The symposium in the afternoon of the second day will target a wider audience, and will recap the discussions of the previous day and provide policy implications.


  • Time and Date:
    13:00-17:50 Monday, February 27, 2006
  • Venue:
    Conference Hall, Shinsei Bank, Shinsei Financial Center
    1st Floor, Head Office, 2-1-8 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
  • Language:
    Japanese / English (with simultaneous interpretation)
  • Charge: ¥2,000 (an official receipt will be issued)
    (Student discount ¥1,000. Please present your student ID at the reception desk.)
  • Hosts: Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
  • Contact: RIETI
    Ms. Tomoko KASE
    Tel: 03-3501-8398 Fax: 03-3501-8416

* Streaming video footage of and handouts pertaining to the symposium will be available for downloading from the RIETI website after the event.
* Purpose of Use of Images

Agenda (subject to change)

Monday, February 27, 2006: Professional Symposium
9:30-9:40 Explanation of the proceedings:
HISATAKE Masato (RIETI Senior Fellow)
9:40-10:20 Opening Keynote Session:
9:40-10:00 Overview: "Risk Money and Corporate Growth - the Function of Securitization and Liquiditization"
KOBAYASHI Takao (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, The University of Tokyo)
10:00-10:20 Discussion
10:20-11:45 Session 1: "Finance and Investment – a Theoretical Framework"
Session Chair:
KOBAYASHI Takao (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, The University of Tokyo)
10:20-10:45 Presentation: "Venture capital – financing innovation and supporting institutions"
- UEDA Masako (Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
10:45-11:10 Presentation: "Current status and issues for Japanese venture capitals – through a cross-country comparison with the US"
- TAKAHASHI Fumio (Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University)
11:10-11:45 Discussion
11:45-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-14:00 Session 2: "Investors' Perspective: Examining their Motives"
Session Chair:
SAITO Jun (Executive Staff, Nikon Corporation / Research Fellow, RCAST, The University of Tokyo)
13:00-13:20 Presentation: "Securitization and competing forms of finance for non-listed companies"
- Joseph McCAHERY (Professor, University of Tilburg and University of Amsterdam)
13:20-13:40 Presentation: "Legal Framework of LLP and LLC in Singapore"
- Ronnie QUEK CHENG CHYE (Partner, Corporate & Commercial, Allen & Gledhill)
13:40-14:00 Discussion
14:00-14:20 Coffee Break
14:20-15:40 Session 3: "Entrepreneurs' Perspective: What Facilitates their Innovation?"
Session Chair:
Joseph McCAHERY (Professor, University of Tilburg and University of Amsterdam)
14:20-14:40 Presentation: "Liquiditization and Securitization: Joint Ventures, Innovation and Entrepreneurship"
- Erik VERMEULEN (Professor, University of Tilburg)
14:40-15:00 Presentation: "Innovation and allocation of control rights"
- YANAGAWA Noriyuki (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo)
15:00-15:20 Presentation: "Transparency and disclosure in non-listed companies"
- Leo GOLDSCHMIDT (Director, European Corporate Governace Institute / Honorary Managing Partner, Bank Degroof)
15:20-15:40 Discussion
15:40-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Session 4: "What to Learn from Differences Emanating from Institutional Divergence among Nations?"
Session Chair:
YANAGAWA Noriyuki (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo)
16:00-16:20 Presentation: "J-LLC & J-LLP: Innovation of business organization law in Japan"
- TANAKA Wataru (Associate Professor, Seikei University)
16:20-16:40 Presentation: "Promoting innovation: the law of publicly traded corporations"
- Merritt B. FOX (Professor, Columbia University School of Law)
16:40-17:00 Presentation: "Remaining Issues that can be Extracted from International Comparison"
- HISATAKE Masato (Senior Fellow, RIETI) and SAITO Jun (Executive Staff, Nikon Corporation / Research Fellow, RCAST, The University of Tokyo)
17:00-17:30 Discussion


Tuesday, February 28, 2006: Open Symposium
13:00-13:10 Opening Remarks:
UEDA Kazuo (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
13:10-14:50 Recapitulative Session: "Financing Mechanism and Organizations of Business Entities that Best Facilitate Innovation"
Session Chair:
HISATAKE Masato (Senior Fellow, RIETI)
13:10-13:15 Brief Introduction of Issues by Session Chair
13:15-13:35 Session 1 Summary: "Finance and Investment – a Theoretical Framework"
- KOBAYASHI Takao (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- UEDA Masako (Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
13:35-13:55 Session 2 Summary: "Investors' Perspective: Examining their Motives"
- SAITO Jun (Executive Staff, Nikon Corporation / Research Fellow, RCAST, the University of Tokyo)
- Ronnie QUEK CHENG CHYE (Partner, Corporate & Commercial, Allen & Gledhill)
13:55-14:15 Session 3 Summary: "Entrepreneurs' Perspective: What Facilitates their Innovation?"
- Erik VERMEULEN (Professor, University of Tilburg)
- Leo GOLDSCHMIDT (Director, European Corporate Governace Institute / Honorary Managing Partner, Bank Degroof)
14:15-14:35 Session 4 Summary: "What to Learn from Differences Emanating from Institutional Divergence among Nations?"
- YANAGAWA Noriyuki (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- TANAKA Wataru (Associate Professor, Seikei University)
14:35-14:50 Q&A
14:50-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-16:40 Panel Discussion
Session Chair: HISATAKE Masato (Senior Fellow, RIETI)
- YANAGAWA Noriyuki (Faculty Fellow, RIETI / Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- TANAKA Wataru (Associate Professor, Seikei University)
- Joseph McCAHERY (Professor, University of Tilburg and University of Amsterdam)
- Merritt B. FOX (Professor, Columbia University School of Law)
- ICHIKAWA Masakazu (Director, Industrial Finance Division, METI)
16:40-16:50 Closing Remarks:
OIKAWA Kozo (Chairman, RIETI)
17:00-18:30 Reception
* The agenda is subject to change.