赵 伟


赵 伟顔写真

赵 伟 ZHAO Wei





FDI flow & enterprises' internationalization from emerging market economies
Opening-up patterns of regional economies in China
Spatial economic issues in China
Trade theory and policy practice
Institutional transformation and regional patterns of industrialization in China
Comparative industrialization
Economic history of the major developed countries


1980 B.A., (equivalent) Political Economy, Lanzhou University
1982 M.A., Economics, Lanzhou University
1988-1990, 1993 Advanced study (official scholarship program) in International Economics at University of Cambridge, University of Manchester, and De Montfort University, UK


1982-1993 Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer, Dept. of Economics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
1993-1995 Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
1997 Visiting Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Center for Economic Research Zurich, Switzerland
1998 Visiting Professor, Zurich University, Institute of Financial Research
1999 Universitaet Muenster, Guest Professor, Inst. fur Siedlungs-und Wohnungswesen, Muenster, Germany
2003 Visiting Professor and Visiting Librarian, University of Oxford, Dept. of Economics & Nuffield College, Oxford, UK
2006 Visiting Professor, Ritsumeikan University, Faculty of Economics, Kyoto, Japan
2008 Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research; Konan University, Japan
2009 Visiting Professor, Kobe University, Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration
1996-Present, Professor and President of Institute of International Economics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
2000-Present, Supervisor of Ph.D. Candidates, College of Economics, Zhejiang University



  • Spatial Economics: Recent progress in theoretical and empirical works, (with Masahisa Fujita), Xiaoping Zheng, Zhejiang University Press, 2009
  • International Economics: Between the known and unknown, Zhejiang University Press, 2007
  • Internationalisation of the Private Enterprises: Theoretical analysis & empirical study (with Gu, Guangdong), Economic Science Press, Beijing, 2006
  • The Opening up of the Regional Economies in China: Patterns and trends, Economic Science Press, Beijing, 2005
  • "Going-out" of the Chinese Enterprises: The policy-orientation of the governments and case-studies of enterprises, Economic Science Press, Beijing, 2004
  • International Trade: Theory, policy and practical issues (Editor in Chief), Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, Dalian, 2004
  • Institutional Change and Economic Development: A research into the Wenzhou pattern (with Shi Jinchuang, et. al ), Zhejiang University Press, 2002, 2005
  • Interfering with the Market—A theoretical analysis and empirical studies of the main economic policies in major industrial market economies, Economic Science Press, Beijing, 1999
  • Modern Industrial Countries and the Choice of Economic Systems, China Social Sciences Publishing House, Beijing, 1994
  • The Road towards Industrialization: A comparative study of industrializations, (with Zuo Zhongha, et. al), North-Western University Press, Xi'an, 1993
Journal Articles
  • "The Contribution of Outward Direct Investment to Productivity Changes within China, 1991-2007," (with L. Liu, T. Zhao), Journal of International Management, Elsevier, 2010 (16): 121-130
  • "Industrialisation and Urbanization: Three coastland patterns in China and their evolution mechanism," Xinhua Digest (Xinhua Wenzhai, Beijing), 2010 (2): 45-49
  • "The 'China factor' in East Asian Economic Cooperation: A multi-angled analysis," Journal of Contemporary Asian-Pacific Studies, (Beijing), 2009 (2): 93-108
  • "Market Integration and the Trend of Manufacturing Agglomeration," (with Zhang Cui), Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, (Beijing) 12 (2009): 49-53
  • "Industrialization and Dual-Fold Opening of the Provincial Economies: The Way of Liaoning," Social Science Front, 2008 (10): 9-18
  • "The FDI and Manufacturing Agglomeration in China: Evidence of 20 industries," (with Zhang Cui), Economic Research Journal (Beijing) 11 (2007): 82-90
  • "The Yangtze-river-delta Economy: A Framework analysis as a multi-layered core-periphery regional model," Zhejiang Social Sciences (Hangzhou), 6 (2007): 16-24
  • "Internationalisation of the Chinese Enterprises: An analysis under the context of the history of the worldwide FDI flow and MNCs expansion," Journal of International Economic Cooperation (Beijing), 2 (2007)
  • "An Analysis on the Convergence of China's Regional Foreign Trade Difference," (with He Li), Finance and Trade economics (Beijing), 9 (2006)
  • "Outward FDI and Technical Progress in China: Mechanist analysis and empirical checking," Management World (Beijing) 7(2006)
  • "Opening up of China's Regional Economies: A multi-layered checking," Social Science Front (Changchun) 6 (2006)
  • "Difference of China's Regional Financial Development—Based on the method of Theil index," (with Ma Ruiyong), Economic Geography (Changsha) 1 (2006)
  • "Rechecking the Convergence of the Regional Economies in Growth in China," (with Ma Ruiyong), Management World (Beijing) 11 (2005)
  • "A Dynamic Equilibrium Research on the Way of Manufacturing Displacing: The case of Pan Pearl-river-delta (with Wang Quanli),The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics (Beijing), 3 (2005)
  • "The Cross-border Merger & Acquisition of Chinese Enterprises: Analysis and expectations," (with Gu Guangdong), Journal of International Trade Issues (Beijing), 10 (2005)
  • "Internationalisation of Chinese Private Enterprises: Review of Its current progress and suggestions on its route," Journal of International Economic Cooperation (Beijing), 8 (2005)
  • "The Latest Wave of Cross-border M&A and the 'Going-out' of the Chinese Firms," Journal of International Economic Cooperation (Beijing), 10 (2004)
  • "Accession to the WTO and Its Effects on Institutional Changes in China: Analysis based on industrial organization," Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics (Beijing), 2 (2004)
  • "The Accession Commitments to the WTO and China's Institutional Changes: Analysis and prospects based on a disequilibrium state," (with Huang Shangguo) Journal of Zhejiang University (2) 2003
  • "The Industrial Structure, Factor Endowments and Trade Pattern between China and Japan," (with Jia Yuping), Zhejiang Academic Journal (Hangzhou) 1 (2003)
  • "Wenzhou Pattern: Explaining as a way of regional industrialization," Social Science Front Bimonthly (Changchun) 1 (2002)
  • "Regional Opening up: China's peculiar pattern and its effects," The Economist (Chengdu) 5 (2001)
  • "China's Foreign Trade Expansion: The main driving forces in the last decade and prospects for the future," Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly (Hong Kong), Winter Volume, (1999)
  • "Economic Globalization: The benefits China has gained and problems it has to face," International Economic and Trade Research (Guangzhou), 1(1999): 19-22
  • "China's WTO Accession: Commitments and prospects," Journal of World Trade (Geneva, London) 2 (1998): 51-75
  • "Outside Bottlenecks: the Major barriers to expansion of the two regional models of industrialization in China," Chinese Industrial Economy (Beijing), 11 (1997)
  • "Monetarism or Keynesians: A comparative study of the economic policies in the U.S., UK, and Japan in 1990s," World Economy Study (Shanghai), 2 (1997)
  • "The Environment and Prospect of China's Introduction of Foreign Investment: Analysis and expectations," International Economic and Trade Research (Guangzhou), 2 (1997)
  • "Strategic Choice of China's Inland and West Regions in Introducing Foreign Capital," Inter-trade (Beijing), 3 (1996)
  • "The Technology Choice in Introducing Foreign Direct Investment in China: An analysis of government policies," Inter-trade (Beijing), 1 (1995)
  • "An Explorative Analysis on the Regional Policy of the European Union Under the Single Market," Journal of European Study (Beijing), 4 (1994): 100-107
  • "Regional Economic Disparity, Regional Policies and the Progress of Economic Integration in the European Community," Journal of European Study (Beijing), 6 (1992)
  • "Research on the British Competition Policy: Evolution and reform," Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences Edition), 4 (1991): 47-52
  • "On Some Policy Measures Related to Population During the Westward Movement of the U.S., North-western Population Journal (Lanzhou), 2 (1985)
  • "A Preliminary Study on the Way of the Capitalization of the British Agriculture," Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences Edition), 3 (1983)


Other Positions

  • Vice Chairman, China International Economic Cooperation Association, Ministry of Commerce, China
  • Appraisal Expert, China Scholarship Council
  • Senior Expert, Zhejiang Provincial Committee for Economic Construction Consultancy
  • Guest Fellow, Policy Research Council of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee
  • Board Member, Zhejiang Provincial Foundation for Social Sciences Research
Speeches and Presentations
  • Seminar presentation: "Zhejiang Pattern: A regional way of institutional transition and economic growth among the Chinese provinces—mechanism and prospect," ICSEAD, Kitakyushu, Feb 17th, 2010
  • Open speech: "Outward Direct Investment and R&D Spillovers: Empirical evidence in the case of China," Faculty of Economics, Okayama University, July 29th, 2009
  • Open speech: "Understanding the Chinese Economy as a Multi-fold Transitional One," Management School and Economics, Edinburgh university, UK, Feb 28th, 2008
  • MBA lecture: "Internationalization of Chinese Private Enterprises—Theoretical analysis and case studies," Management School and Economics, Edinburgh university, UK, Feb 29th, 2008
  • Keynote speech with a paper: "New Economic Geography vs. Economics of Regional Integration: Possible combination in analyzing the Chinese economy," Seminar, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University, Japan, July 11th, 2008
  • Keynote speech with a paper: "Internationalization of Chinese Private enterprises—Case study & theoretical analysis," Seminar, Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, Japan, July 18, 2008
  • Keynote speech with a paper: "Current Progress Stage of the Chinese Economy and the Changing Role of China in East-Asia Economic Cooperation," International Symposium on East-Asia Economic Cooperation, hosted by Okayama University, Okayama, Japan, Dec. 16th, 2007
  • Co-chairman with Masahisa Fujita and Keynote speaker with a paper: "Checking the Effects of the Regional Opening up on Institutional Transition and Economic Growth: A research framework, International conference on the opening-up and integration of the Chinese provincial economies," hosted by Institute of International Economics, Zhejiang University, Nov. 23rd-24th, 2007
  • Keynote speech with a paper: "Research on Promoting the Internationalization of Chinese Enterprises," MOC (Ministry of Commerce) Summer Workshop, 2006, hosted by China Ministry of Commerce, Dalian, July 31-Aug 5th, 2006
  • Keynote speech with a paper: "New Economic Geography vs. Economics of Regional Integration: Possible combination in analyzing the Chinese economy," Biweekly Seminar, Institute of Economics, Kyoto University, hosted by Masahisa Fujita, July 14th, 2006
  • Keynote speech with a paper: "The Chinese Economy in Multi-fold Transition: Assessment of the current progress and expectations for the Future," International workshop, hosted by Faculty of Economics, Ritsumeikan University, June 9th, 2006
  • Keynote speech with a paper: "Regional Opening Up: The Chinese pattern and its implication on Asian-Pacific economies," International Conference of Asia Scholars (4), Shanghai, Aug 20th-24th, 2005