RIETI在职期间(截至2019年8月 9日)的信息。可能与最新信息有出入。

GHOSAL, Vivek顔写真



Department Head and Virginia and Lloyd W. Rittenhouse Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA


Economic Regulation
Competition Policy/Antitrust
Firm Strategy: Investment, Entry and Exit, Innovation
Environmental Regulations


1988 Ph.D. Economics, Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, USA
1980 M.A. Economics, Delhi School of Economics, India
1983 B.A. Economics (Honors), University of Delhi, India


2001 - 2016 Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
1998 - 2001 Economist, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice, USA
1990 - 1998 Professor, Miami University, USA
1988 - 1990 Visiting Professor, University of Florida, USA

2003 - 2019 Research Fellow, CESifo, Germany
2005 - 2013 Consultant to OECD, Paris
2010 - 2018 Visiting Professor, European Business School, Germany
2010 - 2016 Visiting Professor, Korea Development Institute, S. Korea
2006 - 2009 Research Affiliate, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, USA

Editorial Board, Business Strategy and the Environment (John Wiley), 2013 - current.
Editorial Board, Review of Industrial Organization (Springer), 2004 - current.
Editorial Board, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade (Springer), 2018 - current.
Editorial Board, Business Strategy and Development (John Wiley), 2018 - current.


  • Reforming Rules and Regulations: Laws, Institutions and Implementation. Vivek Ghosal (Editor). MIT Press: Cambridge, 2011.
  • The Political Economy of Antitrust. Vivek Ghosal and Johan Stennek (Editors). Contributions to Economic Analysis Series, Elsevier Science: Amsterdam, 2007.
  • "The Rise and (Potential) Fall of U.S. Cartel Enforcement." (With D. Daniel Sokol.) Illinois Law Review, forthcoming.
  • "The Impact of Uncertainty on the Number of Businesses." (With Yang Ye.) Journal of Economics and Business, 2019, 1 - 18.
  • "Decentralized Environmental Regulations and Plant-Level Productivity." (With Andreas Stephan and Jan Weiss.) Business Strategy and the Environment, 2019, 1 - 14.
  • "Policy Innovations, Political Preferences, and Cartel Prosecutions." (With D. Daniel Sokol.) Review of Industrial Organization 48, 2016, 405 - 432.
  • "Business Incubators and Accelerators." In Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Innovation, David Audretsch, Albert Link and Chris Hayter (Editors), Edgar Elgar, 2015, Chapter 20, 108 - 118.
  • "Uncertainty and the Employment Dynamics of Small and Large Businesses." (With Yang Ye.) Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal 44, 2015, 529 - 558. International Monetary Fund, Working Paper 15/4, 2015.
  • "Business Strategy and Firm Reorganization: Role of Changing Environmental Standards, Sustainable Business Initiatives, and Global Market Conditions." Business Strategy and the Environment 24, 2015, 123 - 144.
  • "The Evolution of U.S. Cartel Enforcement." (With D. Daniel Sokol.) Journal of Law and Economics 57, 2014, 51 - 65.
  • "Compliance, Detection, and Mergers and Acquisitions." (With D. Daniel Sokol.) Managerial and Decision Economics 34, 2013, 514 - 528. Runner Up, Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards (2014)
  • "Regime Shift in Antitrust Laws, Economics and Enforcement." Journal of Competition Law and Economics 7, 2011, 733 - 774.
  • "Global Initiatives in Reforming Rules and Regulations." (With Sean Ennis.) In Reforming Rules and Regulations: Laws, Institutions and Implementation, Vivek Ghosal (Editor). MIT Press: Cambridge, 2010, Chapter 1, 1 - 32.
  • "Investments in Modernization, Innovation and Gains in Productivity: Evidence from Firms in the Global Paper Industry." (With Usha Nair-Reichert.) Research Policy, 2009, 536 - 547.
  • "The Genesis of Cartel Investigations: Some Insights from Examining the Dynamic Interrelationships between U.S. Civil and Criminal Antitrust Investigations." Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2008, 61 - 88.
  • "Rewarding Whistleblowers: Ratcheting up the Fight Against Cartels." Global Competition Review, 2008, 31 - 33.
  • "Issues in Antitrust Enforcement." (With Joseph E. Harrington Jr. and Johan Stennek.) In The Political Economy of Antitrust, Vivek Ghosal and Johan Stennek (Editors), Contributions to Economic Analysis Series, Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2007, Chapter 1, 1 - 23.
  • "Framework for Competition Assessments." In Competition Assessment Toolkit, OECD Competition Law and Policy, 2007, Chapter 4, 59 - 156.
  • "Economics, Politics and Merger Control." In Recent Developments in Antitrust: Theory and Evidence, Jay Pil Choi (Ed.). MIT Press: Cambridge, 2006, Chapter 5, 125 - 152.
  • "Potential Foreign Competition in U.S. Manufacturing." International Journal of Industrial Organization 20, 2002, 1461 - 1489.
  • "Competition in International Postal Markets: Should the Universal Postal Union’s Anti-Remail Provisions Be Repealed?" World Competition Law and Economics Review 26, 2002, 205 - 222.
  • "The Cyclical Behavior of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Enforcement Activity." (With Joseph Gallo.) International Journal of Industrial Organization 19, 2001, 27 - 54.
  • "The Differential Impact of Uncertainty on Investment in Small and Large Firms." (With Prakash Loungani.) Review of Economics and Statistics 82, 2000, 338 - 343.
  • "Product Market Competition and Industry Price-Cost Markup Fluctuations: Role of Energy Price and Monetary Changes." International Journal of Industrial Organization 18, 2000, 415 - 444.
  • "Product Market Competition and the Impact of Price Uncertainty on Investment." (With Prakash Loungani.) Journal of Industrial Economics 44, 1996, 217 - 228.
  • "Evidence on Nominal Wage Rigidity from a Panel of U.S. Manufacturing Industries." (With Prakash Loungani.) Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 28, 1996, 650 - 668.
  • "Does Uncertainty Influence the Number of Firms in an Industry?" Economics Letters 50, 1996, 229 - 237.
  • "Input Choices under Price Uncertainty." Economic Inquiry 33, 1995, 142 - 158.
  • "Price Uncertainty and Output Concentration." Review of Industrial Organization 10, 1995, 749 - 767.
  • "Demand Uncertainty and the Capital-Labor Ratio: Evidence from the U.S. Manufacturing Sector." Review of Economics and Statistics 73, 1991, 157 - 162.
  • "Market Structure, Price-Cost Margins and Unionism." Economics Letters 29, 1989, 179 - 182.