- 创新、全球化与就业 (2023年3月13日 — 2025年8月31日)
- 地理空间、企业间网络和经济社会的结构变化 (2020年11月2日—2023年4月30日)
- 组织间网络动态与企业的生命周期 (2018年6月11日—2020年6月30日)
- 组织间网络的动态与地理空间 (2016年5月31日—2018年4月30日)
- 组织间经济活动中的地理空间网络及波及效果 (2014年9月30日—2016年3月31日)
- 组织间及发明人之间的地理接近性与网络 (2012年5月22日—2014年3月31日)
1997年3月 东京大学理学系物理专业毕业
1999年3月 东京大学研究生院理学系研究科物理学专业硕士课程毕业(获硕士学位)
2002年3月 东京大学研究生院理学系研究科物理学专业博士课程毕业(获博士学位)
1999年4月—2002年3月 日本学术振兴会数学物理系(DCI)研究员
2002年4月—2007年5月 富士通总研经济研究所研究员
2007年6月—2012年3月 富士通总研经济研究所高级研究员
2012年4月—2014年3月 经济产业研究所研究员
2014年4月—2018年8月 经济产业研究所高级研究员
2018年9月—2024年3月 早稻田大学政治经济学术院副教授
2024年4月—现在 早稻田大学政治经济学术院教授
2004年6月—2007年3月 CRD协会兼职研究员
2006年4月—2012年3月 经济产业研究所研究会委员
2008年5月—2010年3月 一桥大学经济研究所特任副教授
2011年6月—2013年3月 科学技术政策研究所客座研究官
2014年4月—2017年3月 庆应大学兼职讲师
2018年8月—现在 经济产业研究所高级研究员(特任)
- “Geographical Spread of Interfirm Transaction Networks and the Great East Japan Earthquake,” in The Economics of Interfirm Networks, Springer Publishing, 2015
- “Strong customer/supplier relationships: A key to enterprise growth in Japan,” (with I. Uesugi) in High Growth Enterprises: What governments can do to make a difference, OECD Studies on SMEs and Entrepreneurship, OECD Publishing, 2010
- “Robots and Employment: Evidence from Japan, 1978-2017,” (with D. Adachi and D. Kawaguchi), Journal of the Labor Economics, forthcoming
- “China’s impact on regional employment: Propagation through input–output linkages and co‐location patterns,” (with S. Kainuma), The World Economy, 45(11), November 2022, pp. 3559-3601
- “Supply Chain Disruptions: Evidence from the Great East Japan Earthquake,” (with V. M. Carvalho, M. Nirei and A. Tahbaz-Salehi), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 136(2), May 2021, pp. 1255-1321
- “Indirect trade and direct trade: Evidence from Japanese firm transaction data,” (with T. Ito), The World Economy, 44(2), February 2021, pp. 444-461
- “How does the global network of research collaboration affect the quality of innovation?,” (with T. Iino, H. Inoue and Y. Todo), Japanese Economic Review, 72, January 2021, pp. 5-48
- “Production Networks, Geography, and Firm Performance,” (with A. B. Bernard and A. Moxnes), Journal of Political Economy, 127 (2), April 2019, pp. 639-688
- “Localization of collaborations in knowledge creation,” (with H. Inoue and K. Nakajima), Annals of Regional Science 62 (1), February 2019, pp. 119-140
- “Indirect exports and wholesalers: Evidence from interfirm transaction network data,” (with D. Fujii and Y. Ono), Japan and the World Economy, Vol. 44, December 2017, pp. 35-47. (RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 16-E-068, May 2016)
- “Localization of knowledge-creating establishments,” (with H.Inoue and K, Nakajima), Japan and the World Economy, Vol. 43, September 2017, pp. 23-29. (RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 14-E-053, August 2014)
- “Business Perspectives - Labor income inequality in Japanese corporations and employee health: evidence from Japanese Health Insurance Society data,” (with T. Kouno), Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 10, Issue 4, December 2012, pp. 49-56
- “灾区外企业在东日本大地震中所受的影响—从供应链来看企业之间的网络结构及其含义”日本统计学会志,第42卷第1号,2012年9月,135-144页。
- “Measuring economic localization: Evidence from Japanese firm-level data,” (with K. Nakajima and I. Uesugi), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 26, Issue 2, June 2012, pp. 201-220
- “The bursting of housing bubble as a jamming phase transition,” (with K. Nishinari, M. Iwamura and T. Watanabe), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 221, 2010, 012006
- “价格粘性与战略性互补”(与水野贵之、渡边努合著)《经济研究》第61卷第1号,2010年1月,68-81页。
- “企业间关系与企业规模”(与渡边努合著)《经济研究》第58卷第4号,2007年10月,302-313页。
- “Do larger firms have more interfirm relationships?” (with T. Watanabe), Physica A, Vol. 383, Issue 1, September 2007, 158-163.
- “企业发展的履历效果”(与渡边努合著)《基本粒子论研究》第113卷第2号,2006年5月,72-75页。
- “COVID-19 created more zombie firms in Japan,” posted on VoxEU on November 13, 2022 (co-authored with G.H. Hong and A. Ito)
- “Human interactions and innovation: The case of the Spanish Influenza pandemic in Japan,” posted on VoxEU on October 29, 2022 (co-authored with H. Inoue, K. Nakajima, and T. Okazaki)
- “Firm exit patterns and the post-Covid cleansing mechanism: Evidence from Japan,” posted on VoxEU on February 25, 2021 (co-authored with G.H. Hong)
- “Robots and employment: Evidence from Japan, 1978-2017,” posted on VoxEU on February 9, 2021 (co-authored with D. Kawaguchi and D. Adachi)
- “Commuting zones in Japan,” posted on VoxEU on January 16, 2021 (co-authored with T. Fukai, D. Kawaguchi and D. Adachi)
- “Indirect trade and direct trade: Evidence from Japanese firm transaction data,” posted on VoxEU on April 16, 2019 (co-authored with T. Ito)
- “The Dynamics of Inter-firm Networks and Firm Growth,” posted on VoxEU on February 10, 2018 (co-authored with D. Fujii and T. Senga)
- “Firms’ transaction networks: New Japanese evidence on the role of intermediaries,” posted on VoxEU on September 4, 2015 (co-authored with Toshihiro Okubo and Yukako Ono)
- “Localisation in knowledge-creating activities: Evidence from Japanese patent data,” posted on VoxEU on February 11, 2015 (co-authored with Hiroyasu Inoue and Kentaro Nakajima)
- “Fast trains, supply networks, and firm performance,” posted on VoxEU on September 24, 2014 (co-authored with Andrew B. Bernard and Andreas Moxnes)
- “Supply-chain vulnerability: An analysis of the impact of earthquakes using micro data,” posted on VoxEU on December 15, 2013
- “Distance frictions and firm border effects in knowledge creation: Evidence from Japanese patent data,” posted on VoxEU on October 2013 (co-authored with Hiroyasu Inoue and Kentaro Nakajima)
- “Impact of localisation and urbanisation on productivity: Empirical analysis based on establishments data in Japan,” posted on VoxEU on September 10, 2012 (co-authored with Yoko Konishi)
2020年4月—2025年3月 科学研究费 挑战性研究(开拓) (20K20511)
2018年4月—2021年3月 科学研究费 基础研究B (#18H00859)
2016年4月—2019年3月 科学研究费 挑战性萌芽研究 (#16K13367)
2013年4月—2016年3月 科学研究费年轻学者研究B(#25780181)
2010年4月—2013年3月 科学研究费年轻学者研究B(#22730191)
2011年4月—2012年3月 日本经济研究中心研究奖励