1981 东京大学经济系毕业
1986 完成东京大学研究生院博士课程(经济学博士)
1986年 东京大学社会科学研究所助教
1989年 东京大学经济系副教授
1999年 东京大学研究生院经济学研究科教授,至今
2012年-2015年International Economic History Association(IEHA)副会长
2014年- 佳能全球战略研究所研究主干
2015年-2018年 International Economic History Association(IEHA)会长
2018年- International Economic History Association(IEHA)名誉会长
1996年-1997年 美国斯坦福大学客座研究员
2002年、2003年 美国斯坦福大学客座教授
2002年-2003年 美国斯坦福大学客座教授
2002年-2004年 经济产业研究所教职研究员
2007年- 经济产业研究所教职研究员
- 《通商产业政策史编纂委员会编·冈崎哲二编著《通商产业政策史3 产业政策》2012年
- 《核心教材 经济史》,新世社,2005年。
- 《生产组织的经济史》(编著),东京大学出版会,2005年。
- 《经济史的教训》,DIAMOND社,2002年。
- 《交易制度的经济史》(合著),东京大学出版会,2001年。
- 《控股公司的历史》,筑摩新书,1999年。
- 《江户的市场经济》,讲谈社,1999年。
- 《日本的工业化与钢铁产业》,东京大学出版会,1993年。
- Economies under Occupation: The Hegemony of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in World War II (edited with Marcel Bordolf), London: Routledge, 2015
- Production Organizations in Japanese Economic Development, London, Routledge, 2007
- The Japanese Economic System and Its Historical Origins, (edited with Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara), New York, Oxford University Press, 1999
- "Excess Capacity and Effectiveness of Policy Interventions: Evidence from the Cement Industry," forthcoming in International Economic Review (with Ken Onishi and Naoki Wakamori)
- "Product Innovation, Product Diversification, and Firm Growth: Evidence from Japan's Early Industrialization," forthcoming in American Economic Review (with Serguey Braguinsky, Atsushi Ohyama, and Chad Syverson)
- "Disentangling the Effects of Technological and Organizational Changes During the Rise of the Factory: The Case of the Japanese Weaving Industry, 1905−1914," forthcoming in Economic History Review
- "Creative Destruction of Industries: Yokohama City in the Great Kanto Earthquake," forthcoming in Journal of Economic History (with Toshihiro Okubo and Eric Strobl)
- "The Expanding Empire and Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities: The Case of Japan's Colonization of Korea during the Pre-war Period," Economic History Review 71(2): 593-616, 2018 (with Kentaro Nakajima)
- "Measuring the extent and implications of corporate political connections in prewar Japan," Explorations in Economic History 65:17-35, 2017 (with Michiru Sawada)
- "Effects of Industrial Policy on Productivity: The Case of Import Quota Removal during Postwar Japan," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 40:31-42, 2016 (with Kozo Kiyota)
- "Impact of Natural Disasters on Industrial Agglomeration: The Case of the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923," Explorations in Economic History, 60: 52-68, 2016 (with Asuka Imaizumi, Kaori Ito)
- "Acquisitions, Productivity, and Profitability: Evidence from the Japanese Cotton Spinning Industry," American Economic Review 105(7): 2086-2119, 2015 (with Serguey Braguinsky, Atsuhi Ohyama and Chad Syverson)
- "Sources of Productivity Improvement in Industrial Clusters: The Case of the Prewar Japanese Silk-Reeling Industry," Regional Science and Urban Economics, May 2014, v. 46, pp. 27-41. (with Yutaka Arimoto and Nakajima, Kentaro)
- "Productivity Change and Mine Dynamics: The Coal Industry in Japan during World War II," Jahrbuch fuer Wirtschaft Geschichte 2014/2:31-48, 2014
- "Interbank Networks in Prewar Japan: Structure and Implications," (with Michiru Sawada) Industrial and Corporate Change, April: 463-506, 2012
- "Supplier Networks and Aircraft Production in Wartime Japan," Economic History Review, 64(3): 973-994, 2011
- "Industrial Policy Cuts Two Ways: Evidence from Cotton Spinning Firms in Japan, 1956-1964," (with Kozo Kiyota), Journal of Law and Economics, 33: 587-609, 2010
- "Agrarian Land Tenancy in Prewar Japan: Contract Choice and Implication on Productivity," (with Yutaka Arimoto and Masaki Nakabayashi) Developing Economies, 48(3): 293-318, 2010
- Contemporary Japanese Economic System and its Historical Origins (co-edited with Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara), New York: Oxford University Press
- "Micro-aspects of Monetary Policy: Lender of Last Resort and Selection of Bank," Explorations in Economic History, 44: 657-679, 2007
- "Effects of Bank Consolidation Promotion Policy: Evaluating the 1927 Bank Law in Japan," (with Michiru Sawada) Financial History Review, 14(1), 29-61, 2007
- "Voice and Exit in Japanese Firms during the Second World War: Sanpo Revisited," Economic History Review, 59(2): 374-395, 2006
- "Measuring the Extent and Implications of Director Interlocking in Prewar Japanese Banking Industry," (with M.Sawada and K.Yokoyama, Journal of Economic History 65(4): 1082-1115, 2005
- "Foreign Technology Acquisition Policy and Firm Performance in Japan: 1957-1970: Micro-aspects of Industrial Policy," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 23: 563-586, 2005
- "The Role of the Merchant Coalition in Pre-modern Japanese Economic Development: An Historical Institutional Analysis," Explorations in Economic History, 42: 184-201, 2005
- 荣获1993年度三得利学艺奖