绳田 和满


绳田 和满顔写真

绳田 和满 NAWATA Kazumitsu








1979年 东京大学工学系资源开发工学专业毕业
1981年 宾夕法尼亚州立大学经济系硕士课程入学
1982年 宾夕法尼亚州立大学经济系硕士课程毕业
1982年 斯坦福大学经济系博士课程入学
1986年 斯坦福大学经济系博士课程毕业,取得博士学位(Ph.D., Economics)


1986年 芝加哥大学经济系助教
1989年 东京大学基础教养系副教授
1989年 东京大学研究生院经济学研究科兼任
1993年 西澳大利亚大学经济系客座教授
1999年 东京大学研究生院综合文化研究科教授
2000年 东京大学研究生院工学系研究科教授 至今
2016年 英国约克大学经济系访问学者



  • 绳田和满著 《Excel统计入门》,朝仓书店,1996
  • 绳田和满著 《TSP计量经济学入门》,朝仓书店,1997
  • 绳田和满著 《Lotus1-2-3 统计入门 Book》,朝仓书店,1998
  • 绳田和满著 《Excel回归分析入门》,朝仓书店,1998
  • 绳田和满著 《Excel线性代数入门》,朝仓书店,1999
  • 绳田和满著 《Excel统计入门(第2版)》,朝仓书店,2000
  • 绳田和满著 《Excel VBA统计解析》,朝仓书店,2000
  • 绳田和满著 《Excel统计解析框的统计分析》,朝仓书店,2001
  • 绳田和满著 《C统计分析入门》,东洋经济新报社,2001
  • 绳田和满著 《Excel概率入门》,朝仓书店,2003
  • 绳田和满著 《面向理工科的经济学、金融理论》,东洋经济新报社,2003
  • 绳田和满著 《TSP计量经济分析入门(第2版)》,朝仓书店,2006
  • 绳田和满著 《Excel统计入门——Excel2007应对版》,朝仓书店,2007
  • 绳田和满著 《EViews计量经济分析入门》,朝仓书店,2009
  • 绳田和满著 《基础系数学 概率与统计I(东京大学工学教程)》,丸善,2013
  • Nawata, K., "Probability and Statistics I," University of Tokyo, Engineering Course, 2013.


  • 簔谷千凰彦、绳田和满、和合肇编 《计量经济学手册》,朝仓书店,2007


  • 东京大学基础教养系统计学教室编 《统计学入门》,东京大学出版会,1991(分担全书的约一半)
  • 牧厚志、宫内环、浪花贞夫、绳田和满 《应用计量经济学II》,多贺出版,1997(分担全书的约四分之一)


  • 东京大学基础教养系统计学教室编 《自然科学的统计学》,东京大学出版会,1992(第8章“质量数据的统计解析”(p231-250))
  • 东京大学基础教养系统计学教室编 《社会科学的统计学》,东京大学出版会,1994(第7章“经济分析中的回归分析”(p155-200)的主要部分)
  • “2000年的铜、锌的需求预测”,《地球工学手册》,Ohmsha,1991,314-317
  • “人口问题与地球环境”,《地球环境’98-99》,MIOSHIN出版,1998,17-42
  • “人口问题与地球环境”,《后资本主义经济》,MIOSHIN出版,1997,23-37
  • "Population Growth and Sustainability -Requirements for Establishing a Sustainable Society-" in K. Mori ed., Society in 2050 -Choice for Global Sustainability-, 1999, 15-49, Maruzen Planet, Tokyo.
  • “人口问题与地球环境”,《地球环境2000-01》,MIOSHIN出版,2000,20-38
  • “质量数据的Probit模型和Logit模型分析”,杉山高一等编《统计数据科学百科全书》,朝仓书店,2007,p586-589
  • “离散选择模型与微观经济学”,广中平佑编《现代数理科学百科全书(第2版)》,丸善,2009,522-526
  • “回归分析的基础”,刈屋武昭等编《经济时间序列分析手册》,朝仓书店,2012,217-232


  • Nawata, K., "Semiparametric Estimation and Efficiency Bounds of Binary Choice Models When the Models Contain one Continuous Variable," Economics Letters, 1989, Vol. 31,21-26.
  • Nawata, K., "Robust Estimation Based on Grouped-Adjusted Data in Linear Regression Models," Journal of Econometrics, 1990, Vol. 43, 317-336.
  • Nawata, K., "Robust Estimation Based on Grouped-Adjusted Data in Censored Regression Models," Journal of Econometrics, 1990, Vol. 43, 337-362.
  • 绳田和满 “二元选择模型中的半参数法”,《日本统计学会杂志》,1990,Vol.20, 277-302
  • 绳田和满 “关于根据Tobit模型的最小绝对值偏差法推定”,《日本统计学会杂志》,1992, Vol. 20,73-94
  • 绳田和满 “关于根据Tobit模型的金融资产分析”,《金融评论》,June- 1992, 29-47
  • Nawata, K., "A Note on Estimation of Models with Sample Selection Biases," Economic Letters, 1993, Vol. 42, 15-24.
  • 绳田和满 “关于II型Tobit模型的推定”,日本统计学会杂志,1993, Vol.23, 223-247
  • Nawata, K., "A Monte Carlo Comparison of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Heckman's Two-Step Estimator in Models with Sample-Selection Biases," 1993, Proceedings, International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, 2, 651-656.
  • Nawata, K., "Estimation of Sample Selection Bias Models by the Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Heckman's Two-Step Estimator," Economic Letters, 1994, Vol. 45, 33-40.
  • Nawata, K., "Estimation of the Boundary of the Two Regions by the Grouping Estimator," Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, 1994, Vol. 24, 15-35.
  • Nawata, K., "Notes on the Estimation of Tobit Models by Powell's Least Absolute Deviations Estimator," Economic Studies Quarterly, 1994, Vol. 45, 501-508.
  • Nawata, K., "Estimation of Sample-Selection Models by the Maximum Likelihood Method," Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 1995, Vol. 39, 299-303.
  • Nawata, K., and N. Nagase "Estimation of Sample Selection Biases Models," 1996, Econometric Reviews, Vol. 15, 387-400.
  • Nawata, K., "Grouping Estimator in Generalized Regression Models," 1997, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 43, 503-510.
  • 绳田和满、岛村宗正 “轿车式小型汽车的死亡事故发生要素的泊松回归分析“,1998,《日本统计学会杂志》, Vol.28, 237-252
  • 岛村宗正、绳田和满 “使用交通事故宏观数据对轿车死亡事故发生与用车方法造成事故原因的相关分析”,2000,《汽车技术会论文集》, Vol.31, No.4, 91-96.
  • Nawata, K., and M. McAleer, "Size Characteristics of Tests for Sample Selection Bias: A Monte Carlo Comparison and Empirical Example," 2001, Econometric Reviews, Vol. 20, 105-112.
  • 绳田和满 “关于1990年代的贱金属生产与价格的分析”,2001,《资源与材料》Vol.117, 245-249
  • 岛村宗正、山崎稔、猿渡英敏、薮下正三、绳田和满,“关于普通汽车的SRS安全气囊装备的有无与司机的损害”, 2001,《汽车技术会论文集》, Vol.32, No.4, 127-132.
  • 绳田和满、井伊雅子,“日本的女性工资水准对就业行为的影响的分析”, 2002,《日本统计学会杂志》,Vol.32, No.3, 277-288.
  • 渡边园子、绳田和满、新田章子、川渊孝一,“股骨颈骨折治疗的治疗成果分析”, 2003,《医疗与社会》,Vol.13, No.3, 87-101
  • 大重贤治、井伊雅子、绳田和满、水岛春朔、杤久保修,“横滨市的急救医疗的需求分析”, 2003, 《公共卫生学会杂志》Vol.50, No. 4, 879-889.
  • 绳田和满,“I型Tobit模型与II型Tobit模型的比较——误差项分布退化的模型的推定与验证” 2003,《日本统计学会杂志》,Vol.33, No.3, 325-342
  • Nawata, K., "Estimation of the Female Labor Supply Models by Heckman's Two-Step Estimator and the Maximum Likelihood Estimator," 2004,
  • Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 64, 385-392.
  • Nawata, K., and M. Ii, "Estimation of Labor Participation and Wage Equation Model of the Japanese Married Female," 2004, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 18, 301-315. (卷首论文)
  • 绳田和满、渡边园子、新田章子、川渊孝一,“根据离散型比例危害模型、有序Probit模型对股骨颈骨折住院时间与出院时步行能力的分析”,2005,《医疗与社会》Vol.14, No.4, 99-116
  • 绳田和满、石黑彩、井伊雅子、新田章子、川渊孝一,“根据眼科手术的住院时间的离散型比例危害模型的分析”,2006,《医疗经济研究》Vol.18, No.1, 41-56
  • 绳田和满、渡边园子、新田章子、川渊孝一,“根据同时方程式模型的股骨颈骨折的住院时间与治疗效果的分析”,2006,《日本统计学会杂志》Vol.35, No. 2, 125-142
  • Nawata, K., A. Niita, S. Watanabe, and K. Kawabuchi "An Analysis of the Length of Stay and the Effectiveness of Treatment for Hip Fractured Patients in Japan: Evaluation of the Revision of the 2002 Medical Service Fee Schedule," 2006, Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 25, No.4, 722-739.
  • 绳田和满、井伊雅子、石黑彩、川渊孝一,“水晶体的单眼和双眼手术的住院时间的分析”, 2006,《医疗与社会》Vol.16, No. 2, 167-181.
  • Nawata, K., "A Monte Carlo Analysis of the Type II Tobit Maximum Likelihood Estimator When the True Model is the Type I Tobit Model," 2007, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 54, 1-10.
  • Nawata, K., A. Nita, S. Watanabe, and K. Kawabuchi, "An Analysis of the Hip Fracture Treatments in Japan by the Discrete-Type Proportional Hazard and Ordered Probit Models," 2008, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 78, No. 2&3,303-312.
  • 野尻智洋、佐藤彻、绳田和满,“将原油的供给障碍风险考虑在内的甲烷水合物开发的有效性评估”,2008,《能源与资源》,Vol.29, No.4, 24-28
  • 绳田和满、井伊雅子、外山比南子、高桥泰,“白内障手术中DPC的统一支付制度的评估”,2008,《医疗与社会》,Vol.18, No.2, 229-242
  • 松本章邦、原尚幸、绳田和满,“核电站内合同工的安全健康教育训练的评估”,2008,《日本核能学会日文论文杂志》,Vol.7,No.4, 429-438
  • Nawata, K., M. Ii, A. Ishiguro, and K. Kawabuchi, "An analysis of the length of hospital stay for cataract patients in Japan using the discrete-type proportional hazard model," 2009, Vol. 79, 2889-2896, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.
  • Matsumoto, A., H. Hara and K. Nawata, "Bayesian Estimation of the Asymmetric Employment Adjustment Model," 2009, Journal of the Japan Statistical Society, Vol. 39, 29-47.
  • Nawata, K., M. Ii, H. Toyama and T. Takahashi, "Evaluation of the Inclusive Payment System Based on the Diagnosis Procedure Combination with respect to Cataract Operations in Japan," 2009, Health, Vol.1, No.2, 93-103.
  • 绳田和满、川渊孝一,“使用似然函数近似的新方法分析住院时间——在引进DPC综合支付系统前后白内障手术住院时间分析方面的应用”,2010,《医疗经济研究》,Vol.21, No.3, 291-303
  • 绳田和满、川渊孝一,“使用大型个案数据对白内障手术住院时间的分析”,2010,《日本统计学会杂志》Vol.39, No.2,181-209
  • 福田一德、原尚幸、绳田和满,“关于中国出口政策的变化与稀土的价格关系”,2010,Journal of MMIJ, Vol.126, No.6, 172-183
  • 松本章邦、原尚幸、野村和史、绳田和满,“使用Tobit模型进行日降水量的统计预测与在降水衍生品评估上的应用”,2010,《应用统计学杂志》,Vol.39, No.2&3, 41-58
  • Sawada, Y., K. Nawata, M. Ii, and M. J. Lee, "Did the Financial Crisis in Japan Affect Household Welfare Seriously?" 2011,Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 43, 297-324.
  • 杉浦大地、松本章邦、原尚幸、绳田和满,“电力公司、煤气公司的气温风险互换评估“,2011,《日本保险与年金风险学会杂志》(Journal of the Japanese Association of Risk, Insurance and Pensions), Vol.5,No.1, 29-58
  • 绳田和满、川渊孝一,“关于功率转换模型的不均一分散下的推定——在分析糖尿病住院时间上的应用”,2012,《日本统计学会杂志》,Vol.41, No.2, 319-335
  • 谷口和矢、松本章邦、绳田和满,“关于WTO诉中国限制资源出口对铝、锌价格的影响的计量分析”, 2013,Vol.129, 642-649.Journal of MMIJ
  • Nawata, K. "A new estimator of the Box-Cox transformation model using moment conditions," 2013, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 33, Issue 3, 2287-2297.
  • 绳田和满、川渊孝一,“因功率转换模型而实施的2006年度诊察报酬改定对白内障手术住院日期影响的分析”,2013年,《医疗经济研究》,Vol.25,No. 1, 18-32
  • Nawata, K. and K. Kawabuchi, ''A new test for the Box-Cox transformation model: An analysis of length of hospital stay for diabetes patients in Japan'', 2014, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 34 No. 1, 324-332.
  • Nawata. K. and M. McAleer, "The maximum number of parameters for the Hausman test when the estimators are from different sets of equations," Economics Letters. 2014, Vol. 123, No. 3, 2014, 291-294.
  • Matsumoto, A., Hara H, and K. Nawata, "Safety and Health of Contract Workers in Japan's Nuclear Utility Industry: Can we Maintain Safety Standards at Nuclear Power Plants," Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2014, Vol. 3, 401-414.
  • Nawata. K. and K. Kawabuchi, "Evaluation of Length of Hospital Stay Joining Educational Programs for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: Can We Control Medical Costs in Japan?" Health, 2015, 7, 256-269.
  • Nawata, K. "Robust estimation based on the third-moment restriction of the error terms for the Box-Cox transformation model: An estimator consistent under heteroscedasticity," 2015, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1056 -1064.
  • Nawata. K. and K. Kawabuchi, "Financial Sustainability of the Japanese Medical Payment System: Analysis of the Japanese Medical Expenditure for Educational Hospitalization of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes," Health, 2015, 7, 1007-1021.
  • Nawata K. and K. Kawabuchi, "An econometric analysis of hospital length of stay for cataract operations in Japan by the Box-Cox transformation model and Hausman tests: Evaluation of the 2010 revision of the medical payment system," Open Journal of Applied Science, 2015, 5, No.9, 559-570.
  • Nawata, K., "Is Japanese medical system sustainable?," Journal of Health & Medical Economics, 2015,Vol.1, No1:3.
  • Nawata K. and K. Kawabuchi, 2016, "Comparison of the length of stay and medical expenditures among Japanese hospitals for type 2 diabetes treatments: The Box-Cox transformation model under heteroscedasticity," Health, 8, 49-63.
  • Nawata K. and K. Kawabuchi, 2016, "Did the revision of the Japanese medical payment system work properly? - An analysis of averages and variances of length of hospital stay for type 2 diabetes patients by individual hospital," Health, 8, 505-517.
  • Nawata K. and K. Kawabuchi, 2016 "A long term evaluation of the Japanese medical payment system for cataract surgeries: Did the medical policy reduce the long hospital stay in Japan?" Health, 2016, 8, 905-919.
  • Nawata, K., 2016 "Asymptotic efficiency of the maximum likelihood estimator for the Box-Cox transformation model with heteroscedastic disturbances," Open Journal of Statistics, 6, 835-841.
  • Nawata, K., A. Matsumoto, K. Kajihara and M. Kimura, 2017 "Evaluation of the distribution of and factors affecting blood pressure using medical checkup data in Japan." Health, 2017, 9, 124-137.
  • Nawata, K. and M. Kimura, 2017, "Reliability of blood pressure measurements: An analysis of the white coat effect and its fluctuations," Health, 9, 506-519.
  • Nawata, K. and M. Kimura, 2017, "An analysis of the medical costs of and factors affecting diabetes using the medical checkup and payment dataset in Japan: Can we reduce the prevalence of diabetes?" Health, in print.



  • 2005年-2009年 经济产业省资源能源厅综合资源能源调查会(正)委员以及该调查会稀有金属对策部会长
  • 2010年-2011年;2013年-今 经济产业省资源能源厅综合资源能源调查会临时委员(分管资源燃料部)


  • 1995年 荣获第9届日本统计学会研究奖励小川基金奖(小川奖)
  • 2012年 荣获应用统计学会优秀论文奖:对象论文 “使用Tobit模型进行日降水量的统计预测与在降水衍生品评估上的应用”
  • 2014年 Fellow, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (MSSANZ).