- 完善并有效利用RIETI数据 (2015年4月1日—)
- 完善RIETI数据 (2013年4月1日—2015年3月31日)
1982年 东京大学基础教养系毕业
2007年 京都大学经济学博士
1982年 入职通商产业省
1994年 通商产业研究所主任研究员
1995年 埼玉大学政策科学研究科副教授,通商产业研究所特别研究官
1997年 政策研究大学院大学副教授
1998年 中小企业厅长官官房调查室主任
1999年 日本驻澳大利亚大使馆参赞
2002年 经济产业省大臣官房政策企划室主任
2003年 经济产业省经济产业政策局调查课课长
2005年 经济产业省经济产业政策局产业结构课课长
2007年 财团法人社会经济生产率本部主任研究员,经济产业研究所高级研究员
2008年 经济产业省大臣官房审议官,经济产业研究所顾问研究员
2009年 经济产业研究所副所长
2020年 一桥大学教授(2023年- 特任教授),经济产业研究所所长
2024年 经济产业研究所特别高级研究员
- “Productivity Dynamics of Work from Home: Firm-Level Evidence from Japan,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, forthcoming, 2024.
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00191-024-00849-7 - “Compliance Costs and Productivity: An Approach from Working Hours,” Journal of Regulatory Economics, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 117-137, 2023.
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- "Dispersion and Volatility of TFPQ and TFPR: Findings from Three Service Industries," Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 1515-1531, 2019.
- "Policy Uncertainty and Saving Attitude: Evidence from a Survey on Consumers," Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 1297-1311, 2019.
- "Uncertainty over Production Forecasts: An Empirical Analysis Using Monthly Quantitative Survey Data," Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 60, June, pp. 163-179, 2019.
- "Innovation in the Service Sector and the Role of Patents and Trade Secrets: Evidence from Japanese Firms," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 51, March, pp. 43-51, 2019.
- "Firm Heterogeneity and International Trade in Services," The World Economy, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 268-295, 2019.
- "Occupational Licenses and Labor Market Outcomes in Japan," Japan and the World Economy, Vol. 48, December, pp. 45-56, 2018.
- "Firms' Expectations about the Impact of AI and Robotics: Evidence from a Survey," Economic Inquiry, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 1054-1063, 2017.
- "What Types of Policy Uncertainties Matter for Business?" Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 527-540, 2016.
- "Factoryless Goods Producers in Japan," Japan and the World Economy, Vol. 40, December, pp. 9-15, 2016.
- "How Uncertain Are Economic Policies? New Evidence from a Firm Survey," Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 52, December, pp. 114-122, 2016.
- "Business Uncertainty and Investment: Evidence from Japanese Companies," Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol.49, September, pp. 224-236, 2016.
- "What Types of Companies Have Female Directors? Evidence from Japan," Japan and the World Economy, Vols. 37-38, March-May, pp. 1-7, 2016.
- "A Comparison of the Wage Structure between the Public and Private Sectors in Japan," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol. 39, March, pp. 73-90, 2016.
- "Are Large Headquarters Unproductive?" Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 119, November, pp. 422-436, 2015.
- “Postgraduate Education and Labor Market Outcomes: An Empirical Analysis Using Micro Data from Japan," Industrial Relations, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 499-520, 2015.
- "Financial Constraints on Intangible Investments: Evidence from Japanese Firms," in Ahmed Bounfour and Tsutomu Miyagawa eds. Intangibles, Market Failure and Innovation Performance, Springer, Ch. 6, pp. 139-155, 2015.
- "Productivity and Survival of Family Firms in Japan," Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 70, November-December, pp. 111-125, 2013.
- "Population Density and Efficiency in Energy Consumption: An Empirical Analysis of Service Establishments," Energy Economics, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 1617-1622, 2012.
- "Demand Fluctuations and Productivity of Service Industries," Economics Letters, Vol. 117, No. 1, pp. 256-258, 2012.
- "Economies of Density and Productivity in Service Industries: An Analysis of Personal Service Industries Based on Establishment-Level Data," Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 93, No. 1, pp. 179-192, 2011.
- "Labor Unions and Productivity: An Empirical Analysis Using Japanese Firm-Level Data," Labour Economics, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 1030-1037, 2010.
- "Information Technology and the Performance of Japanese SMEs," Small Business Economics, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 171-177, 2004.
- Small Business in Japan 1999, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, 1999.(合著)
- "Economic Development in Asian Countries, and the Effect of Trade in Asia on Employment and Wages in Japan," Asian Economic Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 123-151, 1998.(合著)
- "Wage Differentials between Industries in Asian Countries," in Toshiaki Tachibanaki ed., Wage Differentials: An International Comparison, Macmillan, Ch.10, pp. 328-367, 1998.(合著)
- “新冠疫情下的在家工作与未来前景”,《季刊住宅土地经济》,Vol.127,pp.16-25,2023年。
- “远程办公对城市结构的影响:从新冠疫情的经验来看”,《日本房地产协会杂志》,Vol.35,No. 4,pp.42-45,2022年。
- “最低工资与生产率:根据企业追踪数据分析”,《经济研究》,Vol.73,No.1, pp.29-48,2022年。
- “人工智能、机器人与生产率――服务业的新自动化技术的应用”,深尾京司编,《服务业的生产率与日本经济:根据JIP数据库的实证分析与建议》,东京大学出版社,pp.175-200,2021年。
- “灵活的工作方式如何改变工资?”,《日本劳动研究杂志》,No.723,pp.82-91,2020年。
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- “日本的工资没有上涨吗?”,《统计》,12月号,pp.15-20,2019年。
- “提高日本产业竞争力的课题:生产率与交易条件”,《世界经济评论》,705号,pp.6-13,2019年。
- 《生产率 误解与真相》,日本经济新闻出版社,2018年
- “服务的质量、价格与消费者的偏好”,《经济研究》,第69卷第4号,pp. 314-327, 2018年。
- “服务的质量与生产率”,《统计》,9月号,pp. 37-42, 2018年。
- “董事会的多样性、独立性与经营成果”,《企业会计》,Vol. 70, No. 7, pp. 43-49, 2018年。
- “服务经济化的加速与多样化”,深尾京司、中村尚史、中林真幸编《日本经济的历史:现代2》,岩波书店,pp. 246-263, 2018年。
- “工业化时代的服务产业”, 深尾京司、中村尚史、中林真幸编《日本经济的历史:现代1》,岩波书店,pp. 240-254, 2018年。
- 《服务立国论——让成熟经济焕发活力》,日本经济新闻出版社,2016年。
- “服务产业的生产率与劳动市场”《日本劳动研究杂志》,No.666,pp.16-26,2016年。
- “无形资产投资的金融”《组织科学》,Vol.49,No.1,pp.45-52,2015年。
- 《服务产业的生产率分析:根据微观数据的实证研究》,日本评论社,2014年(荣获第57届日经经济图书·文化奖)
- “最低工资和地区间差距:实际工资和企业收益的分析”,大竹文雄、川口大司、鹤光太郎编著《最低工资改革:如何改变日本的工作方式》,日本评论社,第4章pp.91-111,2013年。
- “社会保障制度与财政:财政的可持续性、高效性和公平性”,藤田昌久、吉川洋编《在低出生率老龄化中的经济活力》,日本评论社,第4章,pp.113-146, 2011年。(合著)
- “生产率的测算与服务统计:服务产业的生产率低吗?”SPRING booklet系列,Vol.4, 2010年。
- 日本经济学会
- American Economic Association
- Research Associate, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA), The Australian National University(2013年~ )
- 京都大学经济研究所特命教授(2020年~ )
- 机械振兴协会经济研究所所长(2023年~ )
- Associate Editor, Japan and the World Economy(2017年~ )