北尾 早雾

北尾 早雾顔写真

北尾 早雾 KITAO Sagiri







1996年 早稻田大学政治经济系毕业
2001年 哈佛大学肯尼迪行政研究生院 行政学·国际开发学硕士
2007年 纽约大学经济学博士Ph.D.


1996年—1999年 高盛证券、投资银行部门、债券部门资本市场部
2007年—2009年 南加州大学马歇尔经营研究生院副教授
2009年—2011年 纽约联邦储备银行、调查部高级经济师
2011年—2015年 纽约城市大学亨特学院(兼)研究生院中心经济系副教授
2015年—2015年 纽约城市大学亨特学院、研究生院中心经济系副教授
2015年—2018年 庆应义塾大学经济系教授
2018年—2024年 东京大学研究生院经济学研究科教授


  • "Labor Market Policies in a Dual Economy" (joint with Julen Esteban-Pretel), Labour Economics, January 2021, Vol. 68.
  • "Who Suffers from the COVID-19 Shocks? Labor Market Heterogeneity and Welfare Consequences in Japan" (joint with Shinnosuke Kikuchi and Minamo Mikoshiba), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, March 2021, Vol. 59.
  • "Females, the Elderly and Also Males: Demographic Aging and Macroeconomy in Japan" (joint with Minamo Mikoshiba), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, June 2020, Vol. 56.
  • "Policy Uncertainty and Cost of Delaying Reform: The Case of Aging Japan," Review of Economic Dynamics, 2018, Vol. 27.
  • "A Life Cycle Model of Trans-Atlantic Employment Experiences," (with Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent), Review of Economic Dynamics, 2017, Vol.25.
  • "Achieving Fiscal Balance in Japan," (with Selahattin Imrohoroglu and Tomoaki Yamada), International Economic Review, 2016, Vol. 57: No. 1.
  • "A Life-cycle Model of Unemployment and Disability Insurance," Journal of Monetary Economics, 2014, Vol. 68.
  • "Social Security Reforms: Benefit Claiming, Labor Force Participation and Long-run Sustainability," (with Selahattin Imrohoroglu), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2012, Vol. 4: No. 3.
  • "Labor-dependent Capital Income Taxation," Journal of Monetary Economics, 2010, Vol. 57: No. 8.
  • "Taxing Capital? Not a Bad Idea After All!" (with Juan Carlos Conesa and Dirk Krueger), American Economic Review, 2009, Vol. 99: No. 1.
  • "U.S. Tax Policy and Health Insurance Demand: Can a Regressive Policy Improve Welfare?" (with Karsten Jeske) Journal of Monetary Economics, 2009, Vol. 56: No. 2.
  • "Entrepreneurship, Taxation and Capital Investment," Review of Economic Dynamics, 2008, Vol. 11: No. 1.