1996年 特拉华大学毕业
1999年 约翰霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学院硕士课程毕业(国际经济、纷争解决)
1993年 美国参议院外交委员会助手
1994年 - 1995年 Joseph R. Biden,Jr.参议院议员事务所实习
1996年 - 1997年 Barbara Mikulski 上议院议员事务所助手
1998年 - 2000年 日本贸易振兴会(JETRO)纽约事务所研究助理
2000年 通商产业研究所研究助手
2000年 - 2002年 经济产业研究所副所长特别助理
2002年 经济产业研究所研究助理
- "A U.S.-Japan Economic Partnership: Beyond Economics, Geopolitical Insurance,"with Robert C. Fauver, In The National Interest(《国家利益》), November 2002
- "China's Transition Merits Caution," with Duncan Wrigley, Japan Inc., December 2002
- "China's Unbalanced Economy," with Duncan Wrigley, Sentaku(《选择》), November 2002
- "Healthy Competition from China is Good for Japan," the International Herald Tribune(《国际先驱论坛》), August 2001
- "Japan's Prospects Outshine China's," with Duncan Wrigley, the International Herald Tribune, June 2002
- "Shock Therapy for Japan's Depression," with Robert Fauver, The Asian Wall Street Journal(《亚洲华尔街日报》), May, 2002
- "Fear Will Force Japan to Reform," with Duncan Wrigley, The Asian Wall Street Journal, March 2002
- "Japan Needs Foreigners to Find Its Bad Debts," with Jonathan Kushner, the Asahi Shimbun(《朝日新闻》), January 2002
- "Japan's Place in the Coalition Against Terrorism," the Asia Times(《亚洲时报》), November 2001
- "The Threat to Japan's Economy is Japan, Not China," PacNet, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)(战略暨国际研究中心), August 2001