Business and Economic Research, Thailand, ASEAN
2011 M.A. International Business, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
2006 B.A. History, College of Arts and Science, Cornell University
2013 - 2015 Researcher, FT Confidential Research (formerly Asean Confidential), The Financial Times, Bangkok, Thailand
2011 - 2012 Investment Banking Associate, The Quant Group, Bangkok, Thailand
2006 - 2009 Admission test preparation instructor, Bangkok, Thailand
- "Southern Thailand hit by weak rubber prices," The Financial Times, 2015-07-21
- "Counting the costs of Thailand's political turmoil," The Financial Times, 2014-10-31
- "Telecoms and banks lead Myanmar reform push," The Financial Times, 2014-08-14
- "Tinge of economic optimism after Thai coup," The Financial Times, 2014-05-30