2010年3月 东京大学经济系经济学科毕业
2012年3月 东京大学研究生院经济学研究科经济理论专业硕士毕业 获硕士学位(经济学)
2015年3月 东京大学研究生院经济学研究科经济理论专业博士毕业 获博士学位(经济学)
2013年4月 - 2015年3月 日本学术振兴会特别研究员(DC2)
2015年4月 - 现在 独立行政法人经济产业研究所研究员
2015年4月 - 2017年 立正大学经济系兼职讲师
Journal Articles
- "Firm growth and Laplace distribution: The importance of large jumps," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 103, 63-82, 2019.
- "The emergence of properties of the Japanese production network: How do listed firms choose their partners?" Social Networks, 59, 1-9, 2019. (with H. Krichene, Y. Fujiwara, A. Chakraborty, H. Inoue, M. Terai)
- "Aggregate implications of lumpy investment under heterogeneity and uncertainty: a model of collective behavior," Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review, 14(2), 311-333, 2017. (with Y. Kimura, H. Murakami)
- "Endogenous business cycles caused by nonconvex costs and interactions," Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 12(2), 367-391, 2017.
Discussion Papers
- "The Size of Micro-originated Aggregate Fluctuations: An analysis of firm-level input-output linkages in Japan," RIETI DP, 21-E-066, 2021. (with D. Miyakawa)
- "The Role of Granularity in the Variance and Tail Probability of Aggregate Output," RIETI DP, 20-E-027, 2020.
- "A Functional Linear Regression Model in the Space of Probability Density Functions," RIETI DP, 17-E-015, 2017.