作者 | 久米功一(东洋大学)、中马宏之(教职研究员)、林晋(京都大学)、户田淳仁(Recruit Works Institute) |
发表日期/编号 | 2017年8月 17-J-053 |
研究课题 | 人工智能对社会的影响:从文理结合的视点来看 |
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In order to make full use of the potential of new technologies including artificial intelligence, it is necessary to switch to a way of thinking and working that is friendly to technology. Regarding this subject, this paper takes up the concept of "self-evolvability" as one of the cues. Self-evolvability is defined as a mixed concept of meta-cognition, informating everything, and pursuing a shared benefit and desire of self-change. Using a survey result, we quantitatively analyzed the relationship between self-evolvability, acceptance of new technologies, provision of data, and approval/disapproval of changes in working style. We confirmed a positive effect of self-evolvability on the acceptance of new technologies even after controlling for personal attributes, cognitive and non-cognitive ability, and economic preference. The results imply that self-evolvability can be regarded as an important factor for smooth implementation of new technologies in the society.